

嬉しいニュースです。ニュージーランド総選挙で、トランスジェンダーの国会議員、ジョージナ・ベイヤー(Georgina Beyer)議員が再選しました。

alfayokoさんの「TransNews Weblog」より。

NZ総選挙:世界唯一のトランス国会議員Georgina Beyer三選/与党・労働党 政権を守る

17日行われたニュージーランド総選挙(一院制・定数120+α)は即日開票され、世界でただ一人のトランスジェンダーの国会議員、Georgina Beyer(労働党比例代表単独立候補)が三選を果たした。任期は3年。

それと、Advocate誌のバックナンバーに Georgina Beyer さんの記事があるのを見つけました。 ここで Beyer さんは、アメリカで起こった「ストーンワォールの反乱」が、ニュージランドのゲイ・リベレーションに重要な影響を与えてくれたと語っています。

A Worldwide first: a transsexual in Parliament[Advocate, FEBRUARY 1,2000]

"Stonewall had a big effect on New Zealand and on gay liberation," Beyer says from her new offices in Wellington, New Zealand's capital.

The irony, she points out, is that the United States, which gave birth to Stonewall, has now fallen behind many other countries in guaranteering civil rights for sexual minorities.

"I find that in America, as one of the most free countries in the world with respect to whole broad arena of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender rights, people still have to fight hard for things that we seem to have gotten quite easily. Maybe it is because America is so huge that it is harder."


"I believe it will take another generation will take for all of the negatie behavior against gays to be all but extinguished," she says humbly when asked what advice she maight have for U.S. activists,
"Part of the way to overcome the prejudice is to point out the error of the ways of the detractors, but individuals in our gay communities must, above all else, maintain their pride and dignity"

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「日本は<やおい大国>だから、(抑圧を受けている)同性愛のロシア人は亡命すればいい」とほざくライターは、だったら同性婚性的指向による差別禁止法もない日本で、いったい、具体的に、何が出来るのか? 亡命認定や滞在許可はいかにして可能なのか? 

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  • Georgina Beyer さんの著書『Change for the better: The story of Georgina Beyer as told to Cathy Casey』(Random House New Zealand

(Change for the Better)

A Change for the Better - the Story of Georgina Beyer

A Change for the Better - the Story of Georgina Beyer

UPCLOSE and Personal with Georgina Beyer MP, Beyer Interview (Trans World News)  

2.Q. Do you feel that being Maori and Transsexual that these groups are proud of you and your accomplishments?

A. Neither the Maori or Transsexual communities were forefront of my involvement in politics. It was basically from a community stand point. I live in a red neck conservative area, which makes it amazing that the voters looked beyond my past. They voted for me because they saw I was the right one for the job. They looked beyond the so-called sensational life to see the substance of my ability. Have you heard the saying that people have greatness thrust upon them? I feel I'm in that category. But I am sure that in the end the Maori and Transgender Communities both felt a sense of pride, more so because I stand for basic human rights than anything else.

3.Q Knowing that the south pacific cultures, Maori / Polynesians have openly accepted trans persons from ancient times till now. Do you think this could have anything to do with your acceptance being so seemingly easy?

A. NO! Definitely not! I provide the dignity and the background - I can do the job and the voters know that. It took me a long time to work past the banter about my past - "former sex worker", "female impersonator", and so on. Now they concentrate on the substance of my work, which of course is what I want the most. My being so open and honest has so to speak (cut the media off at the knees), now the media focus on my work. Frankly why live a lie? It will always come home to haunt you. Politically it can be devastating as it can destroy a career as it has happened in the past with others on different issues. I wanted to know that I was truly mandated to take office by a diversity of people within the society.

Ordinary people elected me and I think that is a statement. Transsexuals should stop living in a persecution complex and get out there and make a positive contribution to their society. All we ask for as a Transsexual person is equality, acceptance and understanding. All of us have our own aspirations of having a so-called "normal life", far apart from the stereo type of the Transsexual/Transgender. The general population see Trans People in either the sex industry or as drag show performers. Transsexuals are doctors, lawyers and even governmental officials. We have all the potential as anyone else. This is what I originally became active about and then mobilized into political action.

I'm very lucky that I came along at a time when this has been possible to achieve. When I was attending a film festival promoting my Documentary Film, Georgie Girl, I was asked do I think this could happen in America, unfortunately I do not really think so, at this time. I don't think the Leaders of the Free World are ready to embrace this type of basic human rights.

  • NZ総選挙関連ニュース





'Narrow win' for NZ ruling party [BBC NEWS]

Ms Clark said the result gave her the opportunity to begin coalition talks.

Correspondents say Labour is more likely to be able to form a government.

It already has the support of the Greens and the Progressive Party and can expect the backing of the indigenous Maori Party, whereas right-wing parties have not given wholehearted support to National.




Election: The Changing Values of NZ [GayNZ.com]

The election campaign had a uniquely moral tone with criticism of Labour’s policies such as Civil Unions, the Prostitution reform legislation and anti-discrimination and hate-speech bills being used as ammunition for elaborate campaigns by parties courting the conservative voters, and by groups such as the Exclusive Brethren and the Maxim Institute leading up to yesterday’s vote.

The shape of New Zealand’s next government will be formed over the coming weeks, as the 218,000 special votes are still being counted, and parties are bargaining for support and seats. Labour has 50 seats so far, and with the Green’s six seats they need another six to have majority in parliament. Don Brash, however, believes the race for power is still wide open. He does not believe Labour will be able to form a Government, given the volatility of the minor parties it wants to form a coalition with. Minor parties are keeping quiet about their options, as they know they hold a lot of power and can bargain with either side to get into government.