2007年はオーストラリアでも総選挙が行われるが、豪州最大都市シドニーの市長クロバー・ムーア氏(Lord Mayor Clover Moore)が21日、シドニー・ゲイ&レズビアン・ビジネス・アソシエーション(SGLBA、Sydney Gay and Lesbian Business Association)の会合に出席、スピーチを行った。
CLOVER ROMPS HOME [Sydney Star Observer]
Clear favourite Clover Moore was among the few untarnished by voter dissatisfaction with both sides of politics.
By the time the official poll came around, the independent MP romped home to secure her title as NSW’s longest-ever serving female parliamentarian with a comfortable 35-point lead over her Labor rival after preferences.
Retiring MPs Sandra Nori and Pam Allan shared Moore’s first day in the lower house following her 1988 win in the seat of Bligh.
Her sixth electoral win over the weekend extends her current 19-year service in the lower house, still shy of Frank Spicer’s 47-year appointment from 1925 in the then-unelected upper house. Moore said the need for greater political participation by women also meant doing it differently.
“There is a tendency for women who achieve membership in men’s domains to not challenge the rules,” she said. “The adversarial political system, which stomps on participation, contribution and creativity, is a putdown for many women who are serious about getting things done rather than playing the game.”
Moore called for new ethical standards of leadership and change to the culture of Parliament.
[SGLBA、Sydney Gay and Lesbian Business Association]
[Gay & Lesbian Organisation of Business & Enterprise]
クロバー・ムーア市長はLGBTフレンドリーとしても知られており、ゲイ・プライドとして世界的に有名な「マルディグラ」(Mardi Gras)を支援、自らも参加している。彼女のウェブサイトを見ればわかるように、ゲイ・コミュニティへの積極的な姿勢を示している。
- Clover with Councillor Marcelle Hoff, Mardi Gras Parade 2006 [Clover Moore.com]
Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras 2007 (Video 1)
Sydney councillor Shayne Mallard told Sydney Star Observer the religious right would only hurt itself by shutting out the social progressives in the party.
“If either side becomes so dominant that the other side becomes untenable in the party, it will result in the party being unelectable,” he said.
“I hope that those who are conservative, and I note there’s many of them, respect the fact that there are differing views on some social issues while having similar views on economic issues.”
Mallard said it was increasingly difficult to keep social liberals in the party.
“There has to be a role for candidates to push for issues like gay reform and the republic, but people become concerned and disengaged. One side dominates so much in the party, they feel disenfranchised, they feel their role is not recognised or adequately acknowledged.”
Shayne Mallard 氏は、ジョン・ハワード首相率いる自由党(Liberal Party of Australia)の若手有力政治家。彼のウェブサイトにも、「SGLBA、Sydney Gay and Lesbian Business Association」へのリンクがある。そして、さすが若手って感じで、ブログも運営しており、しかも頻繁に更新している。上記のゲイ・メディアへのインタビューについても触れており、別のエントリーでは「ゲイ・フレンドリー」であることを表明している。彼の政治思想は、リバタリアンのそれで、「自由と自己責任」「小さな政府」「減税」に重きを置いている。
- 2006年は日豪交流年! [外務省]