といっても杉村太蔵議員ではなくて(もちろん彼にも「注目」しているよ)、ここで紹介したいのは、イギリス自由民主党(Lib Dem)のスティーヴン・ウィリアムズ下院議員のことである。
Bristol West Liberal Democrats & Stephen Williams MP
Stephen Roy Williams は、1966年10月11日生まれ。2005年の英国総選挙で西ブリストル( Bristol West)から出馬。1935年以来、自民党*1の議席を初めて確保した。
Bristol West LIBERAL DEMOCRAT GAIN - Stephen Williams [Guardian]
Ask Aristotle: Stephen Williams MP [Guardian]
「初めて」なのは、 Bristol West における自民党の議席ということだけではない。スティーヴン・ウィリアムズは、なんといっても、英国自民党初のゲイの国会議員なのである。
First gay MP criticises Lib Dems [Gay.com UK]
ということでウィリアムズ氏は、上記の Gay,com の記事で、自民党内部におけるセクシュアリティに関する「理解のなさ」を批判している場面も。
He said he was still facing questions about his family situation from other MPs, and would have preferred more people to have been told on his election.
“It has been a little embarrassing for me from the election onwards,” the newspaper quotes him as saying.
"I still find in the members' dining room colleagues asking me if I am married or have any children.
"And there are some of my more curmudgeonly colleagues with whom I have not discussed it yet."
もっとも、自民党はすでに、チャールズ・ケネディ党首(Charles Kennedy)によって「ゲイ・マニフェスト」を発表*2、具体的な「アクション」をスタートさせている。
Lib Dems launch 'gay manifesto' [Gay.com UK]
The manifesto also commits the party to battling discrimination in the goods and services sector, as well as encouraging more pro-gay change within the police and armed services and more consideration of lesbians and gay men seeking asylum in the UK.
Introduced by party leader Charles Kennedy, as well as the chair of the Lib Dem gay group DELGA, Richard Porter, the manifesto is intended to make full use of the apparent support the party has in the gay community.
それが「DELGA」(Liberal Democrats for Lesbian & Gay Action)。自民党における、レズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシュアル、トランスジェンダーの権利擁護のキャンペーン部隊だ。
DELGA の公約(マニフェスト)は、ゲイ・ビジネスのサポート、健康教育の促進、ホモフォビア撲滅などを掲げている。
- The introduction of a rates relief system for all small businesses, an initiative which the party claims will aid the "pink economy"
- The scrapping of provisions within the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, which restricts fertilisation treatment to male female couples only
- An increase on sexual education to include diversity and HIV issues, as well as the dissolving of central targets
- Making incitement to homophobic hatred an offence
このDELGA の議長を努めているリチャード・ポーター氏(Richard Porter)に、個人的に「大注目」している。ハンサムなルックス、英国トラッドでバッチリとキメているスタイル。さすが英国紳士だ。
Liberal Democrat: Richard Porter [Rainbow Network]
Do you think the gay vote has become important in British politics?
I think it has always, and should always be important. Our politicians must be held to account for the decisions that affect us. We must never forget that it was the Conservative government who denied our community basic human rights for so many years, and Labour have really dragged their feet. It’s thanks to the Lib Dems that we have progressed so many of the legislative changes over the past eight years.
What are your party’s main gay and lesbian policies?
First, the introduction of a Single Equality Act. This would make all forms of discrimination (including on the grounds of sexual orientation) equally unlawful. We would also ensure that couples are treated equally when dealing with pension arrangements and ensure that homophobic bullying in schools is tackled by compulsory sex education. We also propose more effective funding for sexual health and HIV to ensure more people are able to access treatment sooner.
[英自由民主党(Liberal Democrat)公式サイト]