アメリカ中央情報局(Central Intelligence Agency、CIA)のマイケル・ヘイデン長官(Michael Hayden)が、26日、韓国を訪問、情報部当局や軍関係者と会談を持った。
米CIAヘイデン局長が極秘訪韓、軍関係者ら接触 [Yahoo!ニュース/YONHAP NEWS]
CIA chief visits South Korea for talks [Yahoo! News/AFP]
Hayden has also met Kim Man-bok, chief of the National Intelligence Service, and other senior security officials to share intelligence on North Korea's nuclear activities, according to the source.
CIA chief in Seoul [UPI]
The Defense Ministry said the CIA chief and the defense minister discussed ways of promoting the exchange of defense-related intelligence between the two countries.
The CIA chief, who arrived in Seoul from Tokyo as part of an Asian tour, leaves South Korea Wednesday after a three-day visit.
UPI の記事には、東京からソウルに行ったって書かれてあるけど、そんなこと全然知らなかった! CIA長官のような「セレブ」の「アジアツアー」はもっと華やかに報じられてもいいと思うのだが。
そういえば、少し前にイギリスの『インデペンデント』紙に興味深い記事が載っていたのを思い出した。米情報機関の調査・報告が北朝鮮の核問題の状況を見誤り、核開発を「促進する結果を招いてしまった」との判断にまで至ったのではないか……「CIA は何をしていた?」というものだ。
CIA blunder 'prompted Korean nuclear race' [THE INDEPENDENT]
So the best assessment now seems to be that the North Koreans were stalled in their ambitions for lack of raw materials. "The administration appears to have made a very costly decision that has resulted in a fourfold increase in the nuclear weapons of North Korea," Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island, a members of the Armed Services Committee, said. "If that was based in part on mixing up North Korea's ambitions with their accomplishments, it's important."
The apparent blunder is likely to renew questions about the reliability and the political slanting of US intelligence that emerged after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and the failure to find any sort of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons programmes the Bush administration talked about in justifying its pre-emptive war.
A similar debate about weapons intelligence and politics is raging over Iran, as the Bush administration ratchets up its rhetoric against Tehran, and the Democrat-controlled Congress worries that he is planning another war in the Middle East.
- 作者: ロバートベア,Robert Baer,佐々田雅子
- 出版社/メーカー: 新潮社
- 発売日: 2005/12
- メディア: 文庫
- 購入: 1人 クリック: 27回
- この商品を含むブログ (22件) を見る
ロバート・ベア『CIAは何をしていた?』(佐々田雅子 訳、新潮社/新潮文庫) p.421-422