

ウガンダでゲイの人権擁護に取り組んでいた活動家デービッド・カト(David Kato)さんが、1月26日、自宅で惨殺された。彼は、地元のアンチ・ゲイのタブロイド紙『Rolling Stone』に名前と顔写真を掲載されていた──その新聞には「この人物を殺せ」という言葉=メッセージが記されていた。

David Kato, Gay Rights Activist, Is Killed in Uganda - NYTimes.com via kwout

NAIROBI, Kenya — David Kato knew he was a marked man.
As the most outspoken gay rights advocate in Uganda, a country where homophobia is so severe that Parliament is considering a bill to execute gay people, Mr. Kato had received a stream of death threats, his friends said. A few months ago, a Ugandan newspaper ran an antigay diatribe with Mr. Kato’s picture on the front page under a banner urging, “Hang Them.”

On Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Kato was beaten to death with a hammer in his rough-and-tumble neighborhood. Police officials were quick to chalk up the motive to robbery, but members of the small and increasingly besieged gay community in Uganda suspect otherwise.

同性愛者活動家、惨殺される 大衆紙が「絞首刑しろ」呼び掛ける ウガンダ [産経新聞]




ウガンダの同性愛活動家、殺害される 大衆紙の扇動が関係か [AFP]

カト氏は前年、反同性愛を標ぼうする地元タブロイド紙ローリング・ストーン(Rolling Stone)に顔写真と名前を掲載され、「若者たちを同性愛者に勧誘している」と非難されていた。同紙は前年末にも、同性愛者の権利を求める活動家を「縛り首にしてしまえ」と扇動していた。

 今回の事件を受け、国際社会には大きな衝撃が広がっている。バラク・オバマBarack Obama米大統領は「深い悲しみを覚える」との声明を発表した。また、国際人権団体アムネスティ・インターナショナル(Amnesty International)は、同性愛者差別を無視してきたとしてウガンダ政府を非難した


Prominent gay rights activist found beaten to death after winning legal action against newspaper that wanted gays hanged | Mail Online via kwout

WISH interview with DAVID KATO.mp4


Clinton, Obama Condemn Uganda Murder | News | The Advocate via kwout

”We are profoundly saddened by the loss of Ugandan human rights defender David Kato, who was brutally murdered in his home near Kampala yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and colleagues. We urge Ugandan authorities to quickly and thoroughly investigate and prosecute those responsible for this heinous act.

David Kato tirelessly devoted himself to improving the lives of others. As an advocate for the group Sexual Minorities Uganda, he worked to defend the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. His efforts resulted in groundbreaking recognition for Uganda's LGBT community, including the Uganda Human Rights Commission's October 2010 statement on the unconstitutionality of Uganda's draft "anti-homosexuality bill" and the Ugandan High Court's January 3 ruling safeguarding all Ugandans' right to privacy and the preservation of human dignity. His tragic death underscores how critical it is that both the government and the people of Uganda, along with the international community, speak out against the discrimination, harassment, and intimidation of Uganda's LGBT community, and work together to ensure that all individuals are accorded the same rights and dignity to which each and every person is entitled.

Everywhere I travel on behalf of our country, I make it a point to meet with young people and activists -- people like David -- who are trying to build a better, stronger future for their societies. I let them know that America stands with them, and that their ideas and commitment are indispensable to achieving the progress we all seek.

This crime is a reminder of the heroic generosity of the people who advocate for and defend human rights on behalf of the rest of us -- and the sacrifices they make. And as we reflect on his life, it is also an occasion to reaffirm that human rights apply to everyone, no exceptions, and that the human rights of LGBT individuals cannot be separated from the human rights of all persons.

Our ambassadors and diplomats around the world will continue to advance a comprehensive human rights policy, and to stand with those who, with their courage, make the world a more just place where every person can live up to his or her God-given potential. We honor David’s legacy by continuing the important work to which he devoted his life. ”


Archbishop urges government to protect gay asylum seekers | UK news | The Guardian via kwout

Williams said: "Whatever the precise circumstances of his death, which have yet to be determined, we know that David Kato Kisule lived under the threat of violence and death.

"No one should have to live in such fear because of the bigotry of others. This event also makes it all the more urgent for the British government to secure the safety of LGBT asylum seekers in the UK. This is a moment to take very serious stock and to address those attitudes of mind which endanger the lives of men and women belonging to sexual minorities."

日本政府は、いったい何をしてくれるんだ? BBCにクレームをつけた「国際感覚」で、なぜ、ウガンダ大使館へ抗議をしてくれないんだ? 

Ouganda: funérailles du militant homosexuel David Kato

David Kato funeral: Uganda priest berates gays [BBC NEWS]

Our reporter says hundreds of people - friends, family, colleagues and diplomats - crowded outside Mr Kato's family home in the village of Nakawala in Mukono district, 40km (about 25 miles) from Kampala.

Many members of the lesbian and gay community wore T-shirts with Mr Kato's portrait on the front and the words "La luta continua [the struggle continues]" printed on the back.

They were shocked when the priest started condemning homosexuals.

"You must repent. Even the animals know the difference between a male and a female," he said, before warning that they would face the fate of residents in Sodom and Gomorrah, the biblical cities destroyed by God.

Gay rights activists then stormed the pulpit and prevented the priest from continuing.

ここまでで「この記事」は終了しておくはずだった。しかしどうしても書いておかなければ気がすまない。それは、川原泉というマンガ家が「子供向きの」マンガで差別語を使用し、”バイキン”と罵り、ヘイトスピーチを書き、差別を「煽動」しているからだ──そしてそれについて書くために、その薄汚い差別主義に抗するためにキャサリン・マッキノンの『ただの言葉 ONLY WORDS』を読んでいた真っ最中だったからだ。


先週水曜日に、女性が刃物で刺され殺されかけているのを見て、「女を殺せ! 女を殺せ!」とはやしたてた十人あまりの男を、警察は殺人幇助罪で探している……。オークランド警察署のジョン・マッケンナ警部は「現場を見ている人がただ黙っていて何もしないケースはよくありますが、これはその反対の例で、見ているだけでなく加担したケースです」と語った。

「女を殺せ! 女を殺せ!」はただの言葉である。しかし、オークランド警察は、これをただの言葉とはとらないで、それを行動と見た。つまり「犯罪行為に加担した」と見たのである。

キャサリン・マッキノン『ポルノグラフィー 「平等権」と「表現の自由」の間で』(柿木和代 訳、明石書店)
