
”Hello sailor” テッド・ヒースは英国最初のゲイの首相か?

The Course of My Life: Edward Heath's Autobiography サー・エドワード・ヒース元英国首相(Sir Edward Heath、1916-2005)はゲイだった。というニュースがイギリスのメディアを賑わせている。
オープンリー・ゲイのロンドン市議会議員ブライアン・コールマン氏(Brian Coleman)が、「1950年代、元首相は公衆トイレでのゲイセックスをやめるよう警察に警告された」と『The New Statesman』誌に語った──アウト/OUT した──からだ。
ヒース元首相(1970 - 1974 在任)、コールマン市議、ともに保守党の政治家であるのが興味深い。

ロンドン市議、「元英国首相はゲイ」と主張 [ゲイジャパンニュース]



BBC では、著名なゲイライツ活動家ピーター・タチェル氏(Peter Tatchell)が、この件に応える。ヒース首相がゲイであることは「公然の秘密」であったと述べ、今回のアウティングの是非に焦点を当てている。
Britain's first gay Prime Minister? [BBC NEWS]

Prominent gay-rights activist Peter Tatchell gave his reaction to BBC London after he had heard news of the allegations.

"I wasn't at all surprised. It was an open secret; an unspoken assumption. Ted's gayness was privately talked about in media and political circles for three decades. Satirical magazines alluded to it, joking about him with gay tags like 'Hello sailor.'"

他の保守党のメンバーは、ブライアン・コールマンの発言を否定→Ex-PM Heath 'gay warning' denied

保守系の『タイムズ』は、「old queen」というようなコールマン氏の露骨な言葉を引くが、別の保守党員の話として「ヒース氏は女性とつきあっていた」と元首相の同性愛説否定にまわる。そして面白いのが保守党支持の読者からのコメントで、これはイギリスを陥れようとする某EU国の陰謀ではないか、との指摘だ。

Ted Heath ‘propositioned men for sex’ [TIMES ONLINE]

Asked to substantiate his claims, Mr Coleman told The Times: “I have this on very good authority. There were many stories about Ted Heath. I did not know him well myself, but have been told this by people who did.

“It was certainly not a secret that he was an old queen. I have been told that he was warned about his behaviour and then stopped.”


Heath was told to stop gay sex activity, Tory claims [INDEPENDENT]

Writing for the New Statesman magazine's online edition, Mr Coleman, who is gay, said Britain had "managed for decades with gay men holding a significant number of public offices". He claimed that gay men had in effect run the Conservative Party in London, whether as officials, councillors or volunteers.

Sir Edward, a bachelor who never spoke about his sexuality, was Prime Minister from 1970 to 1974. He died in 2005. Friends had expected him to marry Kay Raven, whom he had known since childhood, but she is said to have become tired of waiting for him to propose to her and married someone else.

Mr Coleman said it was "common knowledge" among Tories that Sir Edward had been given the warning he was being positively vetted for membership of the Privy Council in 1955.


Edward Heath's narrow escape [Telegraph Blogs]

Yes, life is easier - unimaginably easier - for gay people now. But isn't it actually quite demeaning to interpret someone's entire life through the prism of their sexuality; to suggest, as so many autobiographies do nowadays, that it and it alone is the secret of unlocking someone's psyche? In fact, there are as many types of gay people as there are of, well, people - everyone has their own complexes, neuroses and habits.



ブレア英首相 就任から10年 低支持率にあえぐ与党 [Yahoo!ニュース/毎日新聞]



Brian Coleman Interview [Chatshow.net]

もっとも僕はインタビュアーのジェレミー・ブラッドショウ氏(Jeremy Bradshaw)に目が行ってしまうが(笑)。

Tough Times Ahead for Middle East [CHATSHOW NETWORK]