『ニューヨーカー』誌(The New Yorker) で音楽批評を担当しているアレックス・ロス(Alex Ross、1968年生まれ)が Charlie Rose と対談、その模様が YouTube にアップされた。
Charlie Rose - Alex Ross
アレックス・ロスは昨年、初の著書『The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century』を発表し、それが大いに話題になった。
The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century
- 作者: Alex Ross
- 出版社/メーカー: Farrar Straus & Giroux
- 発売日: 2007/10/16
- メディア: ハードカバー
- 購入: 1人 クリック: 8回
- この商品を含むブログ (4件) を見る
- Free trial ‘The Rest Is Noise’ By ALEX ROSS [The New York Times]
リヒャルト・シュトラウスの《サロメ》から始まって、プッチーニ、ツェムリンスキー……お、トーマス・マンの『ファウストゥス博士』に登場するアードリアーン・レヴァーキューン/Adrian Leverkühn に言及するのか*1……で、アドルフ・ヒトラー、マーラー、新ウィーン楽派……。
“The Rest Is Noise” is a work of immense scope and ambition. The idea is not simply to conduct a survey of 20th-century classical composition but to come up with a history of that century as refracted through its music. We start with Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss, “the titans of Austro-German music” in Graz, on May 16, 1906. Strauss is there to conduct a performance of his opera “Salome.” It turns into an extraordinary night — not because of the shrieks, discords and howls of the music but because, to Mahler’s astonishment, the audience loves it.
Mr Ross notices that Gustav Mahler, who came from a Jewish background, was at the podium when Adolf Hitler saw Wagner's “Tristan and Isolde” in Vienna on May 8th 1906, an experience that prompted Hitler to decide to study opera direction and painting in Vienna. (Unfortunately, that career-plan did not work out.) He notices that some photographs of Hitler's oratorical poses show a suggestive resemblance to Mahler's conducting style.
- 'The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century' by Alex Ross [Los Angeles Times]
Paradoxically, "The Rest Is Noise" gains much of its intellectual authority from the fearless attitude of its author toward popular culture. Ross' erudition and grasp of the highbrow curriculum is unquestionable, but what sets him apart from most music critics is the familiar ease with which he also addresses jazz and rock, film and television. His is a sweet and generous voice. He has no grand theory to prove, no idols to smash.
Obviously, there is a strong element of taste evident in his book, but he is never pretentious or dismissive of artists. His rare bursts of outright disapproval are reserved for excessively disapproving critics, as when he slams the diatribes of Virgil Thomson and Theodor Adorno as "revoltingly snooty" -- mild language for the modernist wars.
Authors@Google: Alex Ross
[Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise]
*1:Doctor Faustus(Thomas Mann novel) アードリアーンの音楽―ヨーロッパ芸術音楽の終焉 (1979年)