

先日、「CES基調講演より」で触れた、リンデン・ラボ社(Linden Lab)が運営するバーチャルコミュニティ「Second Life」。フランスでは、パリのカフェで戦わされた左派と右派の政治的抗争が「Second Life」にも持ち込まれ、リアルとバーチャル双方で激しい死闘が繰り広げられているという。

仮想空間 仏では右派・左派抗争も [CNET Japan/FujiSankei Business i.]




『The Scotsman』紙の記事を見ると、抗争の構造がより明瞭になる。

Anarchy in cyberspace [The Scotsman]

The arrival of the xenophobic party in the "geographical" area of Second Life known as Porcupine sparked protests by outraged virtual characters known as avatars. They protested, waving placards and banners decorated with an unflattering portrait of Mr Le Pen sporting a Hitler moustache.

But the protests soon degenerated into riots, during which anti-Nazi protesters from a group named Second Life Left Unity engaged in running gun-battles with FN supporters and hurled exploding pigs - fortunately only of the virtual variety - at their political opponents.

ジャン=マリ・ルペン率いる「人種差別的」政党FNの「セカンドライフ」進出によって、それに抵抗する「反ナチ」グループ、「セカンドライフ・レフト・ユニティ」(Second Life Left Unity)が立ち上がった。かくして「FN」と「Second Life Left Unity」は銃撃戦を繰り広げる……。

"This nationalist idea that Front National is advocating is something that has spread all over Europe like a virus," a protester, using the name Ichi Jaehun, told Mr Au. "It's [as if] the history of the 20th century has already been forgotten. It is time to say enough!"

「20世紀の歴史を振り返ってみよう、FN のようなナショナリストがどのようなプロパガンダをヨーロッパ中に撒き散らしたかを」と、セカンドライフ・レフト・ユニティの ユーザー名「Ichi Jaehun」氏は「セカンドライフのジャーナリスト」Wagner James Au氏に語った。


The announcement went on: "The whole idea of a 'race hate' group is in direct violation of Linden Lab's own Terms of Service, and if the rules are being read to say they aren’t in violation, then Lindens need to look at the rules again." (This is an apparent reference, by the way, not to the TOS, but Linden's Community Standards, which forbid "use of derogatory or demeaning language or images in reference to another Resident's race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation". But while Front National may have run counter to those standards in the real world, it's uncertain if their SL chapter ever has.)


また、Wagner James Au 氏は、その抗争に関して「SIMULACRA AND SECOND LIFE」でボードリヤールフーコーに触れながら分析している。SL での「出来事」を評するのに、これらの思想家に登場願う、というのが、非常に興味深い。


Hoping to reap potential votes in cyberspace, the French Socialist Party (PS) decided to join the FN in the virtual world of Second Life by opening offices there on 13 January. At party headquarters, Ségolène Royal supporters can be seen sporting body-hugging black T-shirts with the slogan "Demain Ne Se Fera Pas Sans Toi" (Tomorrow won't happen without you) emblazoned in large pink letters across their chests. Debates are planned and it is hoped that Ms Royal's avatar will visit the virtual headquarters in the near future.

ちなみに『The Scotsman』の記事によると、サルコジ陣営は、サイバースペースセカンドライフ」で繰り広げられている政治抗争=銃撃戦に対しては、静観の構えのようだ。

Ms Royal's main rival, right-wing champion Nicolas Sarkozy has no intention of joining Second Life, according to the UMP party.

"For us, the campaign will be conducted in real life, with real people, not avatars. The debate will happen without masks, live," said a spokesman.