




Canada provides nationwide marriage rights to gay couples [Advocate]

The bill gives gay and lesbian couples the same rights as those in traditional unions of a man and a woman, something already legal in eight of Canada's 10 provinces and in two of its three territories. The legislation, drafted by Prime Minister Paul Martin's minority Liberal Party government, easily passed the senate, which essentially rubber-stamps any bill already passed by the house of commons, which passed the legislation late last month.

But Martin, a Roman Catholic, has said that despite anyone's personal beliefs, all Canadians should be granted the same rights to marriage. Alex Munter, national spokesman for Canadians for Equal Marriage, which has led the debate in favor of the law, was triumphant Wednesday: "It is a signal to the world that Canada is an open and inclusive society that believes in the notion of full citizenship for all."


Same-sex legislation now law in Canada [CBC News]

Senators rejected a Conservative motion stating the traditional definition of marriage is between a man and a woman, but that civil marriage is between two people.

"It would have brought a great deal of comfort to same-sex couples that they would not be perceived as having somehow gained their legitimate rights at the expense of those for whom the traditional marriage of a man and a woman was so terribly important," said Conservative Senator Noel Kinsella, who supported the amendment.

結婚の定義は、「<男と女>の伝統的な結婚」から「<二人>の civil marriage 」となった。

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