


一方、同時に、すでに認められているドメスティック・パートナー法(domestic partner rights)に対する「後退」は一切ない、ということも付け加えた。

Schwarzenegger vetoes gay marriage bill as promised [SF Gate]

"I am proud California is a leader in recognizing and respecting domestic partnerships and the equal rights of domestic partners," Schwarzenegger said in his veto message. "I support current domestic partnership rights and will continue to vigorously defend and enforce these rights and as such will not support any rollback."


Schwarzenegger axes gay marriage [BBC NEWS]
例えばBBCでは、「法的な差別」('Legal discrimination' )という言葉が目に入り、「裁判所でのバトル(Court battle )に発展するだろう」、というニュアンスの記事になっている。

Mr Schwarzenegger says he supports full legal protection for gay couples - but that the issue of gay marriage is best decided by the people or in the courts.

Massachusetts is currently the only US state which recognises same-sex marriages.

Advocate には、共和党支持のゲイ団体「Log Cabin」のコメントが載っている。今回の知事の決定には大いに失望した、と。
Schwarzenegger vetoes same-sex marriage bill [Advocate]

“Log Cabin expresses deep disappointment in Governor Schwarzenegger’s decision to veto legislation recognizing civil marriage equality,” said Patrick Guerriero, president of the gay GOP group Log Cabin Republicans. “Log Cabin Republicans take the governor at his word that if, and when, the courts of California join the legislature in recognizing the right to civil marriage equality, he will uphold and support that decision."

Guerriero thanked Schwarzenegger for sending a strong signal to the people of California that he will not allow the initiative process to marginalize gay and lesbian families. In his veto message, Schwarzenegger also said, “I support current domestic-partner rights and will continue to vigorously defend and support these rights…and will not support any rollback.”


[共和党のゲイ論争 BBC NEWS]

[アメリカの同性婚(gay marriage、same-sex unions)状況]
