

Best Date Ever: True Stories That Celebrate Gay Relationships アメリカのニューハンプシャー州上院議会は、ゲイ&レズビアンカップルに結婚と同等の権利を与えるシビル・ユニオン法案(civil unions)を14対10で可決した。民主党のジョン・リンチ知事(John Lynch)が署名し成立する。
ちなみにニューハンプシャー州のモットーは「Live Free or Die」だ。

New Hampshire lawmakers approve gay civil unions [Reuters]

The Democratic-controlled Senate voted 14-10 along party lines to give gays and lesbians nearly the same rights as married couples. The bill sailed through the House of Representatives on April 4, and Democratic Gov. John Lynch said last week he would sign it.

New Hampshire, known for its official motto "Live Free or Die," will become the fourth U.S. state to allow same-sex civil unions when the law takes effect on Jan 1. The law marks a shift in the state's traditionally conservative politics.

事実上の同性婚認める ニューハンプシャー州 [ゲイジャパンニュース]




New Hampshire will be first state to introduce same-sex civil unions without pressure from a court, but some locals said they expected the law to eventually end up in court.


Elsewhere in New England, Vermont and Connecticut recognize same-sex civil unions, which provide equal rights for gay couples in committed relationships but lack the full legal protection of marriage, and Maine offers gay couples some legal rights as partners.

Man Talk (Gay Relationships (Harrington Park Press))

Man Talk (Gay Relationships (Harrington Park Press))

そしてこのニュースを速報で知らせてくれたTransNews さん(ありがとうございます)によれば、ご存知(笑)、オープンリー・ゲイである米国聖公会*1ジーン・ロビンソン主教も、今回のニューハンプシャー州のシビル・ユニオン法の下、同性のパートナーとの「契約」を結ぶそうだ。

Going to Heaven: The Life and Election of Bishop Gene Robinson
Bishop wants to be first in line for N.H. civil union [USA TODAY]

The Rev. V. Gene Robinson became the Episcopal Church's first openly gay bishop. Now, he and his partner want to be among the first gay couples in New Hampshire to officially unite under a soon-to-be-signed civil unions law.

"I think this moves us one step closer to the American promise to all its citizens of equality under the law," Robinson told The Associated Press. "My partner and I look forward to taking full advantage of the new law."

[The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson]

[Diocese of New Hampshire]


Complete Guide to Gay Weddings

Complete Guide to Gay Weddings


Spitzer Offers Gay Marriage Bill Today -- Friday, April 27 [GayCity]

A senior official in Eliot Spitzer's administration has confirmed to Gay City News that the governor will introduce his program bill enacting marriage equality for same-sex couples on Friday, April 27.

"The governor is fulfilling his promise to the community and taking a courageous and historic step toward making equal civil marriage rights a reality in New York," the official said.

A lawyer from the office of the governor's counsel with deliver the bill and an accompanying memorandum, with a statement of support, to the offices of the Assembly speaker and the Senate majority leader. Also, on Friday, the state Department of Civil Service will order a policy change mandating that any entity participating in the state health plan - including hundreds of municipalities and local school districts - recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages for purposes of spousal and family benefits.

Eliot Spitzer at the Empire State Pride Agenda Fall Dinner

エリオット・スピッツァー知事(Eliot Spitzer)は1959年生まれ、ユダヤ系、民主党ハーバード・ロー・スクール出身という、とても心強い政治家。上記のYouTubeの映像は、昨年10月、「Empire State Pride Agenda」というLGBTニューヨーカーで組織するロビー団体を前に演説したときのもの。スピッツァー氏は、ここで、同性婚を支持すると宣言した。

Spitzer Vows to Push for Gay Marriage [The New York Times]

Mr. Spitzer, who is running for governor and holds a commanding lead in the polls, made his strongest declaration yet in support of gay marriage in his remarks to the Empire State Pride Agenda, the state’s leading gay lobbying group. He told the audience, “We will make it law in New York.”

[Empire State Pride Agenda]


Governor Eliot Spitzer and Lieutenant Governor David Paterson today submitted legislation to create civil marriage equality for all New Yorkers. This historic legislation would establish equal responsibilities, recognition, benefits and protections for all married couples. The bill would additionally stipulate that no clergy member or religious institution should be compelled to perform any same-sex marriage ceremony.

Under current law, partners unable to enter into a civil marriage -- and their children -- lack legal protections taken for granted by married couples. In such areas as property ownership, inheritance, health care, hospital visitation, taxation, insurance coverage, child custody and pension benefits, married couples receive important safeguards against the loss or injury of a spouse, and crucial insurance against legal intrusion into marital privacy.

“This legislation would create equal legal protection and responsibilities for all individuals who seek to marry or have their marriage protected in the State of New York,” said Governor Spitzer. “Strong, stable families are the cornerstones of our society. The responsibilities inherent in the institution of marriage benefit those individuals and society as a whole.”

“This bill guarantees that the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness will be protected equally for all individuals in the State of New York,” said Lieutenant Governor David Paterson. “This is an important step in the fight for civil rights for all people.”

The legislation will include the following provisions:

  • A marriage that is otherwise valid under the law will be valid regardless of the sex of the individuals; Government treatment, legal status, and all rights, benefits, privileges, protections or responsibilities relating to marriage will be equal for all individual parties who enter into marriage regardless of the sex of their partner;
  • No application for a marriage license will be denied on the ground that the parties are of the same, or a different, sex, and;
  • In consideration of private, ethical and religious beliefs, no clergy member or religious institution will be compelled to perform any marriage.

Gay Marriage: for Better or for Worse?: What We've Learned from the Evidence

Gay Marriage: for Better or for Worse?: What We've Learned from the Evidence
