
米CIA、非合法活動報告書「Family Jewels」公開へ

米中央情報局(CIA)の非合法活動に関する報告書が機密解除される。693ページに及ぶ機密書類は「family jewels」という名で知られているものだ。

CIA Airs Dirty Laundry

CIAの非合法活動の報告書公開へ [NIKKEI NET]



CIA Releases Top-Secret Documents [Washington Post]

The documents, described in internal CIA memoranda as the "family jewels," mostly cover activities in the 1960s and early 1970s that the agency considered likely to cause embarrassment if revealed. They include material compiled as part of a directive to review CIA activity that apparently violated federal law or could be construed as nefarious.

ジェーン・フォンダ [ウィキペディア]

ベトナム戦争反対運動に積極的に関わったことで「Hanoi Jane」と呼ばれ非国民扱いされた。ベトナム戦争末期の1972年に「アメリカ軍兵士のための反戦運動」として北ベトナムを訪れた際には、飛来したアメリカ軍機を撃墜するために設けられた高射砲に座り、北ベトナム軍のヘルメットをかぶりポーズをとった。後にこの時の写真は世界中に配信され、フォンダは「祖国への裏切り行為で判断の誤りだった」と釈明したものの、この後長年に渡りべトナムに派兵された兵士や帰還兵、その家族を中心に大きな批判を浴びた。

Jane Fonda's Peace Journey

Opposition to the Vietnam War [Wikipedia en]

Jane Fonda Speaks at Anti-Iraq War Rally07

CIAが秘密文書を公開へ、海外での暗殺計画も…米紙報道 [読売新聞]


CIA to reveal decades of misdeeds [BBC NEWS]

It is "unflattering" but part of agency history, CIA chief Michael Hayden said.

"This is about telling the American people what we have done in their name," Gen Hayden told a conference of foreign policy historians.

The documents, dubbed the "Family Jewels", offer a "glimpse of a very different time and a very different agency".

The full 693-page file detailing CIA illegal activities was compiled on the orders of the then CIA director James Schlesinger in 1973.

He had been alarmed by accounts of CIA involvement in the Watergate scandal under his predecessor and asked CIA officials to inform him of all activities that fell outside the agency's legal charter.

Family jewels (Central Intelligence Agency) [Wikipedia en]

National Security Archive's "Family Jewels" CIA-related Documents, January 1975 [George Washington University]

The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters

The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters

CIA reveals decades of plots, kidnaps and wiretaps [Guardian]

Mr Schlesinger acted after discovering that veteran CIA officers whose burglary of a Washington hotel room triggered the Watergate scandal, had received the agency's cooperation in carrying out "dirty tricks" for President Richard Nixon.

According to the National Security Archive at George Washington University, Mr Schlesinger directed his officials to collate details of any other current or past agency activity that "might fall outside CIA authority" - that was, in other words, illegal. The results of the internal trawl were breathtaking. But within months of finalising the dossier, William Colby replaced Mr Schlesinger as CIA chief.

When the New York Times published a report on the CIA's domestic surveillance operations in December 1974, apparently based in part on the dossier, panic erupted inside the administration of President Gerald Ford, who had succeeded Nixon. At a damage-limitation meeting in January 1975 with James Wilderotter, the deputy attorney-general, Colby laid bare the "skeletons" in the dossier.

James R. Schlesinger [Wikipedia en]

CIA Skeletons Come Out Of Archive Closet [CBS NEWS]

  • The "two-year physical confinement" in the mid-1960s of a Soviet defector.
  • Assassination plots of foreign leaders, including Fidel Castro.
  • CIA wiretapping in 1963 of two columnists, Robert Allen and Paul Scott, following a newspaper column in which national security information was disclosed. The wiretapping revealed calls from 12 senators and six representatives but did not indicate the source of the leak.
  • The "personal surveillances" in 1972 of muckraking columnist Jack Anderson and staff members, including Les Whitten and Brit Hume. The surveillance involved watching the targets but no wiretapping. The memo said it followed a series of "tilt toward Pakistan" stories by Anderson.
  • The personal surveillance of Washington Post reporter Mike Getler over three months beginning in late 1971. No specific stories are mentioned in the memo.
  • CIA screening programs, beginning in the early 1950s and lasting until 1973, in which mail coming into the United States was reviewed and "in some cases opened" from the Soviet Union and China.

CIA details Cold War skulduggery [BBC NEWS]

The incidents include:

  • the confinement of a Soviet KGB defector, Yuriy Ivanovich Nosenko, in the mid-1960s
  • attempts to use a suspected Mafia mobster, Johnny Roselli, in a plot to assassinate Cuba's Fidel Castro
  • the wiretapping and surveillance of journalists, including in 1972 columnist Jack Anderson who broke a string of scandals
  • the testing of hallucinogens such as LSD on unsuspecting citizens

Among the documents is a request in 1972 for someone "who was accomplished at picking locks" who might be retiring or resigning from the agency.

Yuri Nosenko [Wikipedia en]

ジョン・ロッセーリ [ウィキペディア]




ジャック・アンダーソン [ウィキペディア]

ジャック・アンダーソン (Jackson Northman "Jack" Anderson、1922年10月19日カリフォルニア州ロングビーチ生まれ) は、アメリカのすっぱ抜きコラムニスト。有名な「マックレーカー」ドリュー・ピアソンのコラム「ワシントン・メリー・ゴーラウンド」を引き継いだ。1972年、ピューリッツァー賞を受賞した。

幻覚剤 [ウィキペディア] / LSD (薬物) [ウィキペディア]