11月22日に投票が行われたオランダ総選挙は、ヤン・ペーター・バルケネンデ首相(Jan Peter Balkenende)率いる与党キリスト教民主勢力(Christian Democrats、CDA)が3議席減らしたものの41議席を獲得、第一党を維持した。改選前、CDAと連立を組んでいた自由民主党(Liberals 、VVD)は4議席減少、 最大野党の労働党(Labour Party、PVDA)は42議席から32議席へと大幅に議席を失った。
一方、旧共産党系の社会党(Socialist Party、SP)が26議席、極右の自由党(Freedom、PVV)が新党でありながら9議席獲得と無視できない勢力になった。
オランダ首相が第一党を維持、連立協議へ [NIKKEI NET]
オランダ首相、第1党維持 議席減少、連立協議へ [goo ニュース/共同]
オランダで下院総選挙の投票、移民政策など主要争点に [CNN]
ブルカ禁止法案を提出へ 総選挙間際のオランダ [エキサイトニュース/共同]
オランダ首相、第1党維持 議席減少、連立協議へ [東京新聞]
というわけで、混戦・乱党ぶりが表面化してしまい、難しい舵取り──BBCは「モンスター連立」(Monster coalition) と、『ワシントンポスト』は「カオス的連立」(COALITION CHAOS)と表現、つまり怪物的で無秩序な連立──を迫られた「ハリー・ポッター」バルケネンデ首相のちょっと楽しい映像を。
YouTube ”Premie Balkenende fun”
Dutch Christian Democrats keep power in election [Washington Post]
Neither Balkenende's current alliance with the VVD liberals nor a Labour-led coalition with the far-left Socialists and environmentalist Green Left have enough seats for a parliamentary majority, making long coalition talks likely.
The CDA and Labour could try to form an uneasy right-left partnership like the one governing Germany despite likely discord over tax, pensions and immigration policy.
But even that combination lacked the 76 seats needed for a majority. The leader of the conservative Christian Union said it could help the CDA and Labour try to form a government.
"Frankly it's chaos. The real winner is the only party that actually did not participate, which is the party of the anarchists," said Finance Minister Gerrit Zalm from the VVD.
Dutch on course for split result [BBC NEWS]
'Monster coalition'
The BBC's Sam Wilson in The Hague says that the celebratory mood at the CDA's party headquarters was in stark contrast to the atmosphere at the Labour Party's offices, where many are unhappy at the loss of many seats to the Socialists.
According to the latest figures from the Dutch Electoral Council, the Socialists were the biggest winners of the night, now occupy third place with 26 seats.
"We expected to double our seats but this is absolutely fantastic. I am proud the Netherlands wants to move left," said Socialist Party MP Agnes Kant.
The other big winner was the anti-immigration Party for Freedom, PVV, led by Geert Wilders, which took 9 seats.
The Christian Union won six seats, as did the Green party, while the Party for Animals is likely to win two seats, a result which would make it the first animal rights party in a European parliament.
The split vote will make any coalition hard to pin together, our correspondent says, and people are already talking about protracted coalition talks, or even a "monster" coalition involving right and left.
"It's chaos. It is extremely difficult to distil a government out of these results," said Finance Minister Gerritt Zalm from the VVD.
"The jigsaw can still be laid in many different ways," said a Labour candidate Nebahat Albayrak.
The CDA-led governing coalition collapsed in June after a row over its handling of the disputed citizenship of a Somali-born Dutch politician.
Some 12 million people were eligible to elect the 150-member lower house parliament. The MPs are elected for a four-year period by proportional representation.