

《ドラミング》、《ピアノ・フェイズ》、《マレット楽器、オルガン、声のための音楽》、《18人の音楽家のための音楽》などで知られるミニマル・ミュージックの旗手、スティーヴ・ライヒSteve Reich、b.1936)が、高松宮殿下記念世界文化賞(Praemium Imperiale)を受賞した。9月7日、ニューヨークのロックフェラーセンターで発表された。


高松宮殿下記念 世界文化賞 草間彌生氏ら5氏が受賞 [Fuji Sankei Business i]



Different Trains

Different Trains

  • 発売日: 2005/09/27
  • メディア: CD

スティーブ・ライヒ氏「名誉」 世界文化賞の喜び語る [産経新聞]



Steve Reich Wins Music Prize [NY Times]

The American composer Steve Reich was named the winner yesterday of the 18th annual Praemium Imperiale prize for music. The prizes, recognizing lifetime achievement in the arts in categories not covered by the Nobel Prizes, carry an award of about $131,000 each. Other winners announced in ceremonies in the Rainbow Room at Rockefeller Center in Midtown were the former Bolshoi Ballet prima ballerina Maya Plisetskaya of Russia in the category of theater and film; Yayoi Kusama of Japan in painting; Christian Boltanski of France in sculpture; and Frei Otto of Germany in architecture. The formal awards ceremony is to take place in Tokyo on Oct. 18, when the laureates will receive gold medals from Prince Hitachi, honorary patron of the Japan Art Association, which makes the awards.



Composer Reich among Japan award winners [Reuters]

American Steve Reich won Japan's Praemium Imperiale award for music on Thursday, but the influential minimalist composer said it took time for his work to be widely accepted.

"It was like Bartok when he wrote his first quartet -- people went crazy," Reich, 69, said referring to Hungarian composer Bela Bartok whose six quartets were composed between 1909 and 1939.

Now recognized as one of America's greatest composers, Reich was named as one of five honorees by the imperial family's Japan Arts Association in New York.

[Steve Reich official site]

Early Works

Early Works

  • 発売日: 1995/11/10
  • メディア: CD


Triple Quartet

Triple Quartet

産経新聞(Sankei Web)の記事によるとニューヨーク市マイケル・ブルームバーグ氏(Michael Bloomberg共和党)は日本美術協会に感謝状を贈り、「2006年9月7日をニューヨークの『世界文化賞の日』とする」と宣言したそうだ。ちなみにブルームバーグ市長はリベラルで、中絶に対しては「プロ・チョイス」、同性婚支持、銃規制の立場である。

Bloomberg declined the mayor's salary, accepting remuneration of $1.00 annually. He is considered a liberal Republican, who is pro-choice, in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage and an advocate for stricter gun control laws.



ところでスティーヴ・ライヒと言えば、先日、英ガーディアン紙に彼の新作の記事が出ていた。《Daniel Variations for four voices and instruments 》──パキスタンのカラチで誘拐され、アルカイーダと関係のあるとされるイスラム原理主義組織に首を斬られ殺害されたウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル記者ダニエル・パール(Daniel Pearl)についての音楽で、ライヒにとって最も「政治的な」作品だという。

Towards the end of their conversation, Judea presented the composer with a collection of Daniel's journalism as well as a book he and his wife had edited, entitled I Am Jewish. He had set up the meeting with Reich to explore the possibility of marking his son's life and death in music. "I had the impression he was the right composer." For Reich, who had been searching for his next work, a subject had miraculously dropped into his lap. "I said to him, 'I think you are carrying my text.' And of course he was. God sent him to give me my text."

Two years later, Daniel Variations, co-commissioned by the Daniel Pearl Foundation and the Barbican, receives its world premiere on October 8, the centrepiece of Reich's 70th-birthday celebrations. According to the composer, it marks another musical departure. "When the piece first begins, you might think: can this really be Steve Reich? It's much darker, not at all what I'm known for," he says.

Daniel Variations' first innovation comes from the fact that Pearl himself was a musician, playing the violin and mandolin: "He read music before he read English," says Judea. "He used the power of music to connect people in dangerous corners of the world." To reflect this, Reich has beefed up the string section of his ensemble. "Since Pearl was a fiddle player, I said let's have a full string quartet. Let's add a second violin and viola, and at that point, when his text comes in, the strings just take off." For the first segment of this text, Reich has taken Pearl's final words, spoken on video just before he was decapitated: "My name is Daniel Pearl. I'm a Jewish American from Encino, California."

ライヒ作品としては暗く陰鬱な雰囲気であるという。ダニエル・パール氏の処刑場面はVTRに録画され、公開された。彼の最後の言葉は「私の名前はダニエル・パール。私はユダヤ系のアメリカ人、カリフォルニアのエンシーノ出身」("My name is Daniel Pearl. I'm a Jewish American from Encino, California.")だった。その言葉が、他のライヒに見られるように、幾度となく、環状に渦巻きのように──loop and coil──繰り返される。ライヒユダヤ系である。



伝統に新風「言葉の旋律」 音楽部門 スティーヴ・ライヒ(第18回 世界文化賞) [産経新聞]


I Am Jewish: Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl

I Am Jewish: Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl

  • 発売日: 2004/01/01
  • メディア: ハードカバー

ダニエル・パール氏はヴァイオリン弾きであった。記者としても、ストラディヴァリの記事をはじめ、音楽の話題を数多く提供した。音楽を愛していた。そんなジャーナリスト=ミュージシャンのメモリアルとして、「Daniel Pearl Music Days」という基金も設立された。そのサイトにはエルトン・ジョンハービー・ハンコック、イダ・ヘンデルら著名な音楽家たちがメッセージを寄せている。合言葉は"Harmony for Humanity." 。


現在、このBHLの『Who Killed Daniel Pearl?』を原作とした映画が製作中。主演はジョシュ・ルーカス、監督はキップ・ウィリアムズだ。

Daniel Pearl movie starts filming this fall [MSNBC]

A movie based on a book about the slaying of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl is scheduled to begin filming in the fall.

Beacon Pictures has signed Josh Lucas for the starring role. Kip Williams, who directed “Door in the Floor,” will helm the as-yet-untitled movie.

The film is based on the book “Who Killed Daniel Pearl?” in which French author Bernard-Henri Levy details his one-year investigation into the circumstances behind Pearl’s kidnapping and slaying in Pakistan in 2002.





