
"Yes it can be done!" 全米各地で移民規制抗議デモ


「移民不在の日」 全米一斉ストに数千万人参加 [CNN]



陽気なデモ、愛情にじむ 移民規制抗議のロス [産経新聞Yahoo!ニュース]


BBC でも、多くのデモ参加者が星条旗を振って「アメリカ人としての市民権」を求めていることが報じられている。

LA feels migrant day of action [BBC NEWS]

At a march and rally, protestors wearing white waved the American flag and chanted "Si se puede!" - Spanish for "Yes it can be done!"

Others carried banners urging the US Congress to grant citizenship to illegal immigrants.

"We as immigrants should unite and come together because my parents came here illegally," said Sal Diaz, one of the protestors.

デモは「お祝いのムード」だ、と Guardian は伝えている。「穏やかなデモをしたいだけ」と参加者の一人は述べる。
US counts cost of day without immigrants [Guardian]

The mood at the first of two demonstrations in Los Angeles was celebratory, with protesters streaming along Broadway in the heart of downtown towards City Hall. "I'm here to support the people who work here and to demand full rights for all immigrants," said Ricardo Meneses, who came to the US from Mexico 15 years ago. "We all come here to look for work. The only thing we can do now is demonstrate peacefully." Mr Meneses, who described his job as an "agent", said he was forgoing a day's income by attending the demonstration. "What does it matter?" he asked.


同性愛活動家たちが移民者の権利のために立ち上がる [ゲイジャパンニュース]


そして Advocate によると、LGBTアジア系アメリカ人のグループが、連邦議会並びにブッシュ大統領へ向けて移民法に対する意見書を提出した。
Gay Asian-American groups send letter to Congress, president on immigration reform [Advocate] via.Queerty

Letter from LGBT APA Organizations and Allies on Immigration Reform

President George W. Bush

Speaker Dennis Hastert
United States House of Representatives

Majority Leader Bill Frist
United States Senate

Dear Sirs:

There are almost 12 million Asian Pacific Americans in the United States. 69% of them are immigrants. Countless Asian immigrants are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). We write to urge you to support comprehensive immigration reform.

We are greatly concerned about the immigration bill adopted by the U.S. House of Representatives last December that would make simply being an undocumented immigrant a felony and makes it illegal to help and support undocumented immigrants.

The bill could subject our organizations, as well as those who love and care for their undocumented immigrant partners and loved ones, to criminal prosecution. To love and show compassion should never be criminal. We urge you to abandon these mean-spirited provisions.

Rather, we urge you to support immigration policies that promote family reunification. Immigrants and their children should be together. We should strengthen families, not tear them apart.

We commend certain provisions of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s bill. We commend the earned path to legal permanent residency and ultimately citizenship for certain undocumented workers and college students. We commend the protections for migrant workers. We are pleased that it addresses the extensive backlogs in processing visas for family members abroad of immigrants living in the U.S. But much is still missing.

(1) We urge you to address the detention and deportation of immigrants. Many Muslim, South Asian, and Southeast Asian Americans have been improperly racially profiled and have not been afforded constitutional due process protections.

(2) We urge you to undo the requirement that local police enforce complicated immigration laws. LGBTs have already encountered many problems with police misconduct and police brutality. There are insufficient assurances and resources to make this workable.

(3) We urge you to support the reunification of immigrant families and binational same-sex couples and ease the highly restrictive process to apply for political asylum.

We hope you will show compassion and will take our views into your consideration.
