

International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA)のヨーロッパ支部では、各国の同性パートナーシップ法(same-sex partnerships)の施行状況の一覧が掲載されている。

Legal recognition of same-sex partnerships in Europe [ILGA-Europe]


where the rights, responsibilities and legal recognition given to same-sex couples who marry is the same as those for married heterosexual couples.

  • 法的な公認制、登録制(registered partnership & registered cohabitation)

where specific and enumerated rights, responsibilities and legal recognition are given to same-sex couples who register their partnership. The rights, responsibilities and legal recognition can be identical to or fairly close to those for married heterosexual couples (allowing for the limited competence of state or province in a federal system), or clearly inferior to those for married heterosexual couples. The registration system is often available to unmarried heterosexual couples.

  • 未登録、非公認、事実婚(unregistered cohabitation)

where rights and responsibilities are automatically accrued after a specified period of cohabitation, almost always available to unmarried heterosexual couples

例えば、オランダ、ベルギーの同性結婚は言うまでもなく「marriage」。フランスのパクス(PACS、Civil Solidarity Pact Act)は「Registered Partnership」になる。