米軍、同性愛者の入隊公認を 元制服組首脳、定員増へ提言 [産経新聞]
米軍の同性愛差別軍規”Don't Ask, Don't Tell”(ゲイであることを尋ねてはならない、ゲイであることを公言してもならない)に対して、法律家が中心となり、ロビー活動を行っている非営利の団体「SLDN」のサイトがあり、ここでもジョン・M・シャリカシュビリ氏の寄稿が大きく扱われている。
Retired Joint Chiefs Chairman Calls for Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" [SLDN]
“’Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is out of step with both the American public and those within our armed forces,” said C. Dixon Osburn, executive director of Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN). “The counsel of military leaders increasingly supports repeal of the law. Congress must, as General Shalikashvili urges, consider the overwhelming evidence of the past fourteen years. If they do, the clear answer is that we must lift the ban.”
Shalikashvili, who was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs from 1993 to 1997, joins other senior retired military officers who have called for repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
In May 2006, Lieutenant General Claudia Kennedy, USA (Ret.), the first female three-star officer in Army history, called the law “a hollow policy that serves no useful purpose.” Lieutenant General Daniel W. Christman, former superintendent of West Point, recently told The New York Times that “It is clear that national attitudes toward this issue have evolved considerably in the last decade. This has been led by a new generation of service members who take a more relaxed and tolerant view toward homosexuality.”
Retired Admiral John Hutson, who currently serves as Dean of Franklin Pierce Law School, also recently wrote that “It would be a great tragedy if we didn’t take advantage of (the) chance to correct a flawed policy.”
[Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN)]