

アメリカのキリスト教主要宗派の一つ、英国国教会の流れをくむ米国聖公会(US Episcopal Church、信者数230万人)初の女性総裁主教、キャサリン・ジェファーツショーリ氏(Katharine Jefferts Schori 、52歳)が、11月4日、ワシントン大聖堂で就任式を行った。

Woman bishop takes over Church [BBC NEWS]

Katharine Jefferts Schori has taken office as the first female leader anywhere in the Anglican denomination.

Bishop Jefferts Schori, 52, became the presiding bishop and primate of the US Episcopal Church at an investiture service in Washington DC.

She was selected in June to lead the 2.3m-strong Church after narrowly winning a vote.

The choice has proven controversial as most other Anglican Churches around the world do not allow women to be bishops.

Jefferts Schori's Convention address following her election

また『ガーディアン』紙によると、同性婚支持の主教、Thomas Edward Breidenthal 氏が11月11日、オハイオ州*1で選任されたようだ。
Episcopal Church Elects Ohio Bishop [Guardian]

A priest who supports same-sex unions was elected Saturday as bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio.

``I have a fairly settled conviction that any two persons who struggle to live and grow together in fidelity on a lifetime basis have the opportunity to experience God's grace and to use that relationship for holiness,'' The Rev. Thomas Edward Breidenthal said.

However, Breidenthal, a dean of religious life at Princeton University, said he would not perform a same-sex union without the consent of the church.

``I have every hope that eventually the church will work this matter out,'' he said.

The Episcopal Church, which has 2.3 million members, is at the center of a worldwide Anglican feud over how to interpret what the Bible says about sexuality.

Katharine Jefferts Schori, who recently took office as presiding bishop, unapologetically supports ordaining gays and allowing blessing ceremonies for same-sex couples. In 2003, she voted to confirm New Hampshire Bishop V. Gene Robinson, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop.

Thomas E. Breidenthal elected as ninth bishop of Southern Ohio [Episcopal News]

Breidenthal, 55, dean of Religious Life and of the Chapel at Princeton University in New Jersey, was elected out of a field of seven nominees on the third ballot. Breidenthal was elected with 151 lay votes and 86 clergy votes. An election on that ballot required 137 votes out of a total of 272 cast in the lay order and 77 of 152 in the clergy order.

The election took place at the Vern Riffe Center for the Arts on the campus of Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, during the diocese’s 132nd annual convention.

米国聖公会(The Episcopal Church)のサイトにはジェンダーセクシュアリティ関連のページがある。

例えばそこにリンクされている、「b e y o n d i n c l u s i o n」は、ゲイとストレートの信者からなる組織で、同性愛の関係を神の祝福を得るべき神聖なものであると「神学的に」(theologically)取り組んでいる。

Beyond Inclusion, an organization of gay and straight people together, wants to convince the mainstream parishioner, and help the mainstream parish, move toward blessing same-sex relationships. Beyond Inclusion testifies that same-sex relationships are holy and beautiful in the sight of God, are theologically and liturgically justifiable, are compatible with Scripture, and should be blessed and recognized by the church. Additionally, the ordination of lesbians and gays represents an asset to the church community. Beyond Inclusion also recognizes all justice issues are inter-related; homophobia, racism, sexism, and xenophobia all come from the same source. Where you find one, you are likely to find the others.
