米中央情報局(Central Intelligence Agency、CIA)は、ナチス・ドイツによるユダヤ人大虐殺の最高責任者だった親衛隊幹部アドルフ・アイヒマン(Adolf Eichmann)について、アルゼンチンでの潜伏情報や偽名を知りながら放置していた。6日、機密解除されたCIAの文書で明らかになった。
CIA Ties With Ex-Nazis Shown [Washington Post]
The CIA organized Cold War spy networks that included former Nazis and failed to act on a 1958 report that fugitive Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann was living in Argentina, newly released CIA records show.
The records were among 27,000 pages of documents made public yesterday at the National Archives. They shed new light on the secret protection and support given to former Nazi officials and Nazi collaborators by U.S. intelligence agencies as fighting communism became the central aim of American foreign policy in the years after World War II.
"It was not U.S. policy to track Nazi war criminals once the Cold War began," said historian Timothy Naftali of the University of Virginia, a Cold War expert who has studied the new documents.
ナチス大物戦犯情報を放置 CIA、反共工作優先 [Yahoo!ニュース/共同通信]
CIA、ナチス戦犯のアイヒマン放置…公開文書で判明 [Yahoo!ニュース/読売新聞]
CIA ignored tip to arrest Eichmann to preserve Cold War stability [Telegraph]
Timothy Naftali, a historian at the University of Virginia, said there had been fears at the "highest levels of the [West German chancellor] Konrad Adenauer government... about what Eichmann could say if caught about those close to the chancellor".
In particular, the West Germans worried about the wartime role of Mr Adenauer's national security adviser Hans Globke, who was a former Nazi.
CIA Suppressed Information About Nazi Fugitive [Deutsche Welle]
They also show that the United States used a large network of spies recruited among former Nazis and that the CIA had virtually no interest in arresting war criminals, focusing instead on Cold War issues.
"The American policy of the time was not to pursue Nazi war criminals," Naftali said. "They thought that was the responsibility of the Germans."
CIA, W. Germany kept Eichmann's location a secret [Haaretz]
Globke, a former senior Nazi and close associate of then chancellor Konrad Adenauer, was one of the authors of the Nuremberg Laws in the 1930s. But in the 1950s, according to Naftali, he was the chancellor's main contact person with American intelligence.
According to the declassified documents, a German intelligence officer reported to the CIA in March 1958 that Germany had known since 1952 that Eichmann lived in Argentina under the pseudonym "Clemens." The information was not entirely accurate, as the name Eichmann used at the time was "Clement."
However, the CIA chose not to make use of the information.
Israeli intelligence officers who have published their memoirs have written that Israel knew that Eichmann lived in Argentina by 1957, but lacked any information regarding his pseudonym.
C.I.A. Knew Where Eichmann Was Hiding, Documents Show [NY Times]
Ironically, in view of the information the C.I.A. received in 1958, documents previously released by the C.I.A. showed that it was surprised in May 1960 when the Israelis captured Eichmann. Cables from the time show that Allen Dulles, the C.I.A. director, demanded that officers find out more about the capture.
Since Congress passed the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act in 1998, the Interagency Working Group has worked to declassify more than eight million pages of documents.
Norman J. W. Goda, an Ohio University historian who reviewed the C.I.A. material, said it showed in greater detail than previously known how the K.G.B. aggressively recruited former Nazi intelligence officers after the war. In particular, he said, the documents fill in the story of the "catastrophic" Soviet penetration of the Gehlen Organization, the postwar West German intelligence service sponsored by the United States Army and then the C.I.A.
Mr. Goda described the case of Heinz Felfe, a former SS officer who was bitter over the Allied firebombing of his native city, Dresden, and secretly worked for the K.G.B. Mr. Felfe rose in the Gehlen Organization to oversee counterintelligence, a Soviet agent placed in charge of combating Soviet espionage.
The C.I.A. shared much sensitive information
- アドルフ・アイヒマン [Wikipedia Ja]
- 作者: ハンナ・アーレント,大久保和郎
- 出版社/メーカー: みすず書房
- 発売日: 1969/09/21
- メディア: 単行本
- 購入: 1人 クリック: 111回
- この商品を含むブログ (89件) を見る
- 作者: 川崎修
- 出版社/メーカー: 講談社
- 発売日: 2005/04/13
- メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)
- 購入: 1人 クリック: 18回
- この商品を含むブログ (22件) を見る