
米ヤフー! ゲイ・プライド・サイト立ち上げ!


「Internet giant」ヤフーは、世界各地で行われるゲイ・プライドを記念して、LGBTレズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシュアル、トランスジェンダー)向けサービスやリソースを提供するウェブサイトを立ち上げた。via.TransNews

Yahoo! launches Gay Pride microsite [UPI]

The comprehensive Gay Pride microsite, events.yahoo.com/pride, will include shopping resources, travel and destination information, LGBT-friendly venues, community-building tools, and volunteer opportunities with LGBT organization, the company said.

It will also feature best of Gay Pride photos of international celebrations on Flickr, allow individuals to ask Pride-related questions on Yahoo!Answers, list LGBT blogs and podcasts, and allow individuals to dress their avatar in a selection of Gay Pride clothing, among other things.


Yahoo! launches gay pride Web site [Advocate]

The microsite, which is sponsored by online travel company Travelocity, can be found at the URL events.yahoo.com/pride or by performing a Yahoo! search for "gay pride." It provides LGBT people with a one-stop shop for many gay resources, including travel and destination information, community-building tools, volunteer opportunities with LGBT organizations, original user content through Yahoo! blogs and Flickr photos, and pertinent content from other Yahoo! sites.