

『towleroad』の”Dick and Mary Cheney on Homosexuality”経由で、『DRUDGE REPORT』の記事を読む。


ヴァニティフェア』(Vanity Fair)の編集者トッド・パートン氏(Todd Purdum)が、ディック・チェイニーと交わした「同性愛に関する」話題について。

When Purdum asks the vice president whether he thinks gay people are born that way, Cheney scrunches up his mouth, fixes him with a look that says “Nice try,” then says: “I’m not going to get into that. Those are deeply personal questions. You can ask.”

ただ、トッド・バートンがチェイニー氏に「that way」と尋ねることについて、僕は不躾だと思う。だって、もし、娘/息子が「異性愛者」ならば、その父親に対して「彼/女の”異性愛(それ自体)についてどう思う”」なんて言わないだろう。

またメアリー・チェイニーは最近、『Now It's my Turn: A Political Memoir』という著書を上梓した。彼女の自叙伝である。

Now It's My Turn: A Daughter's Chronicle of Political Life

Now It's My Turn: A Daughter's Chronicle of Political Life


Mary Cheney writes that when she told her parents she was gay, the first words out of her father’s mouth “were exactly the ones that I wanted to hear: ‘You’re my daughter, and I love you, and I just want you to be happy.’”


Mary Cheney tells Purdum that her father “has very little tolerance for bullshit, pardon my French.” She also says that one common reaction from people who have read the manuscript of her book is “‘Wow, you guys really have this close-knit, loving family,’ and it always strikes me as ‘Yeah, of course we do.’ It was very surprising to me that people would think we didn’t.”

[VANITY FAIR の「チェイニーは語る」]

Vanity Fair national editor Todd Purdum reports that Mary Cheney tells her story in a voice very much like her father's, and that she came out to her parents when she was a junior in high school, on a day when, after breaking up with her first girlfriend, she skipped school, ran a red light, and crashed the family car.

Cheney writes that her mother hugged her, but then burst into tears, worried that she would face a life of pain and prejudice.

[Advocate の記事]

[Mary Cheney について]

Lesbian activist Chastity Bono apparently solved the conflict with her sexual orientation and her father's politics back when her father, Sonny, a Republican, was supporting the Defense of Marriage Act and other laws that could restrict gay rights. "I was very naive in my thinking," she said in a 2000 interview with the Advocate, a gay newsmagazine, when asked to explain what life must have been like for Mary, back in the last election, when Lynne Cheney was still huffily denying, to Cokie Roberts and others, that Mary had even come out of the closet.

[共和党支持の同性愛団体 Log Cabin Republican]


それと、マット・ドラッジ(Matt Drudge)の微妙な「立ち位置」について。