


4月に行われるイタリア総選挙において、野党「イタリア共産党再建派」(共産主義再建党、Partito della Rifondazione Comunista、Communist Refoundation)より、トランスジェンダーである Vladimir Luxuria 氏が立候補した。

イタリア:MtFTGのVladimir Luxuriaが総選挙に立候補〜欧州初、世界二番目のトランス国会議員誕生へ [TransNews]

alfayoko さんによると、MtFTG の Vladimir Luxuria さんは、今回の選挙から採用される比例代表(拘束名簿)一本のもとでは、名簿順位によっては当選確実の模様。 Luxuria さんが出馬する共産主義再建党は、現行下院では12議席もっている。

Gay rights enter Italian election [BBC NEWS]
Luxuria さんは、シビルユニオン(civil unions)と迫害に晒されているゲイの人々を難民として受け入れるための「避難施設」(asylum rights)の設置を公約に掲げている。

Italy was one of the very few nations in the European Union that did not recognise civil unions, she told the World Today programme.

She called for political asylum for "all the gays who try to get into Italy from countries where homosexuality is punishable by death".


The hardline Communist Refoundation is the third biggest party in the opposition alliance led by Romano Prodi, which has seen disagreements between its factions over the rights of same-sex and unmarried couples.

"We don't want privileges - we want our rights," said Ms Luxuria.

Politics A Drag For Luxuria [365Gay.com]

Luxuria is a popular fixture in Rome's LGBT community. She is a cabaret performer and in 1994 organized the county's first gay pride march.

Same-sex marriage has already become a key issue in the campaign.

Last month thousands of people marched in support of gay marriage and Prodi has pledged that if his party is elected he will bring in legislation to recognize same-sex unions, although he has refused to be pinned down on just how extensive that would be.

Luxuria さんは、LGBTコミュニティの有名な立役者。1994年のイタリア初のゲイ・プライド・マーチを組織した。

[Vladimir Luxuria さんの公/私ウェブサイト]

