- 作者: Stephen King
- 出版社/メーカー: Scribner
- 発売日: 2006/01/24
- メディア: ハードカバー
- クリック: 1回
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Stephen King Calls--Should Gay Men Answer? [AfterElton]
『Cell』は違う。トム・マッカート(Tom McCourt)というゲイ男性の主人公/ヒーローを中心に物語が展開するのだ。
が、しかし、スティーブン・キングは、どうあっても──ファッキンな──ストレートである。AfterElton の記事を書いた Thomas Tronolone 氏に言わせると、トム・マッカートというキャラクターは「ステレオタイプ」もいいところだという。
You can tell a lot about what an author thinks of his characters by how they are introduced. King describes Tom as a very small man in a tweed suit, with gold-rimmed glasses and a neat mustache. He doesn't use the word ‘bookish', but I will. It's a bit of stereotyping on King's part and makes it seem as if there are no gay cops or construction workers in his world.
This is just more stereotyping, though I'm sure the slight was unintentional. Surely King knows that lots of gay men have women friends. But Tom has none. In fact, he seems to have no friends at all, let alone a love interest, ex or otherwise. It is here that King truly sells the gay community short.
It's not all bad though. King does do something positive by showing that not all gay men are defined by homosexuality–Tom is simply a man who happens to be gay. Moreover, he's portrayed as a good man who is strong when he needs to be, kind to others, and a loyal, true friend to his new acquaintances.
As a bit of satire, we learn that Tom 's mother and aunts were evangelical Christians and that he has little patience for their ilk. When Clay asks where Tom's mother is, he replies: “Heaven. Unless they managed to cheat her out of that too.”
Nonetheless, Tom is not drawn as clearly as the other characters. He does indulge in one bit of campy humor, but it isn't well received. Other than that, King doesn't let us in on much of what Tom is thinking or feeling.
また、トムの母親と叔母は熱心な福音派キリスト教徒だという「風刺」も利かせている。ただ──ノンケの作家が努力したであろう──キャンプなユーモア(campy humor)は空振りに終わっているようだ。
ちなみに『Cell』のストーリーは、携帯電話(cell phone)に邪悪な「波動(The Pulse)」が流れ、それを聴いた人々が凶暴化してしまう、というもの。モダン・ホラーの帝王の作品とはいえ──携帯電話という「ツール」を小道具に利用しているとはいえ──ある意味「古典的」なホラー・ストーリーに則っているようだ。
Many of his GLBT characters represent the worst stereotypes of our community, and die in horribly vicious ways. This makes it easy to peg King as being homophobic, but the label may not fit as well as first impression may imply. While he is cruel to his queer characters, he is also cruel to most of his other characters. Heterosexual characters are often seen in an unflattering light, and give in to their base desires. As most of his fans would agree, King's books would not be the same if people didn't die in horridly grotesque manners. So, the real test in determining any homophobia on his part would be seeing if his queer characters are treated on a level equal to the straights.
- Dead Ringers 'Cell,' by Stephen King [NY Times]
- 出版社/メーカー: ハピネット・ピクチャーズ
- 発売日: 1999/06/25
- メディア: DVD
- クリック: 4回
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