

Being Irrational―英語で読む「ラカンの精神分析」

Being Irrational―英語で読む「ラカンの精神分析」


タイトルは『Being Irrational  Lacan, the Objet a, and the Golden Mean』。そういえば、「Irrational」という単語は「理性のない」と「無理数」の二つの意味があるんだった。なるほどね。
以下は「鏡像段階」の説明。「大文字の他者」は英語では「big Other」だ。

The mirror stage as symbolization
At one point, Lacan says that the homeostasis of the subject concretely realized in the specular image is a symbol of the subject's alienating destiny. By "alienating destiny", Lacan means that the subject weaves the world for itself, but in the process it ends up bound to a phantom, or a kind of automaton, that wanders trapped in the world of its making. The subject is fated not just to weave its world, but to weave itself into that world as well - albeit as little more than a shadow - and this process of so positioning itself in the world can be called the original symbolization. Here, despite the biologistic overtones of the mirror stage theory, we encounter again the problem of the imbrication of the subject in the big Other, which we coverd in the previous chapter.

ところで、マーガレット・ミラージャック・ラカンの関係はどうなんだろう。『狙った獣』(Beast in View)や『鉄の門』(Iron Gates)なんてまさに「鏡像段階」を小説化したみたいだし、『これよりさき怪物領域』(Beyond This Point Are Monsters)もタイトルからしてサイコ・アナキー、『見知らぬ者の墓』は夢解釈/夢作業に他ならない(もっとも、「精神分析」自体が「フィクション」だとも言えるが)。

Beast in View

Beast in View