Reuters が民主党公認で参院選にチャレンジする尾辻かな子さん(元大阪府議)のインタビュー記事を掲載した。『Guardian』に続き、有力英語メディアが報じる「同性愛を公言している日本の政治家の訴え」は、世界中で共有され反響を呼ぶだろう*1。
INTERVIEW - Lesbian politician hopes to make Japanese history [Yahoo! News/Reuters] [TNKU TransNews]
"Japan still isn't a place where people can come out, so many citizens don't know we are living right alongside them, or what we are suffering," Otsuji told Reuters in an interview.
"People who can come out should become visible, enter politics and gain wider understanding. Then concrete things like anti-discrimination laws will follow."
Early this month, the Democrats officially recognised her as a candidate for the upper house election.
The party decision, which she lauded as "courageous", faced some opposition from people who worried it might lose conservative votes. Some Internet sites have also criticised her.
Japanese media are taking sexual minority issues more seriously these days -- both TV programmes and a comic have dealt with transsexuals in the past year. But social acceptance remains limited and gays are still often shown as comic relief.
一方、日本のメディアはセクシュアル・マイノリティに関する問題を「シリアスに」扱うようになってきている。テレビ番組やマンガにおいても、トランスセクシュアルの人々が(理解を得るような形で)登場するようになった。しかし現実的に社会的な認知は途上で、とくにゲイはいまだ「笑いもの」(comic relief)にされることがしばしばある。
"Having a role model that can be accepted is very important," he said. "Sexual minorities aren't only comic, they're just ordinary people right near you."
尾辻かな子さん記者会見・参院選全国比例民主党公認を受けて02 [TNKU akaboshi07]
*1:例えばアメリカの人気ゲイ・ブログ Queerty は「Gay Japanese Politico Entering MP Race」をエントリー。