

ロンドン市長ケン・リビングストン(Ken Livingstone)が、5月27日のロシアのモスクワ・プライド弾圧を非難する声明を30日、発表した。

Moscow Gay Pride - Mayor of London issues statement 30-5-2006 280 [London.gov.uk] via.TransNews

'The Russian people suffered greater casualties than any other country from Nazism - whose targets were not only Jews and Soviet citizens but also homosexuals. To see open fascists parading in Moscow, and assaulting gay and lesbian people, is to trample on the memory of all those who fought against Nazism and particularly the 27 million Soviet citizens who died in the fight against fascism.

'The support given by the Russian Orthodox Church, the Grand Mufti, and the Chief Rabbi to a ban on a peaceful gay pride march is reactionary and the Mayor of Moscow should uphold the right of gay men and lesbians to demonstrate peacefully.

'I strongly oppose the positions of both the Mayor of Moscow and the former Mayor of Warsaw, now the president of Poland, in banning gay rights marches and the support to this given by a number of religious authorities. I strongly endorse the European Parliament resolution of 18 January 2006 calling on all to "firmly to condemn and oppose homophobic hate speech or incitement to hatred and violence" and to treat lesbian and gay people with "respect, dignity and protection".'




[Ken Livingstone 関連]