


今日の『N響アワー』には興奮した。ウラジーミル・アシュケナージ指揮&ペーテル・ヤブロンスキーのピアノによるアレクサンドル・スクリャービンの『プロメテウス 火の詩』Op.60 がその演目。
無論、通常の演奏ではない。作曲者が構想していた音と色彩の融合──「色光ピアノ」(light-and-colour keyboard)という鍵盤を弾くとスクリーンに光が放射される「楽器/装置」を使用した、一大スペクタクル音楽絵巻なのだ。



Scriabin;Symphony No.2

Scriabin;Symphony No.2

Final Mystery

Final Mystery

  • アーティスト: Alexander Scriabin,Vladimir Ashkenazy,Berlin Deutsches Symphony Orchestra,Thomas Trotter,Alexei Lubimov,Alexander Ghindin,Anna-Kristiina Kaappola,St Petersburg Chamber Choir,Ernst Senff Chorus
  • 出版社/メーカー: Decca
  • 発売日: 2000/01/11
  • メディア: CD
  • クリック: 4回
  • この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る

それと『法悦の詩』(Poem of Ecstasy)と『プロメテウス』(Prometheus: Poem of Fire)のスコアがペーパーバックで出ているのだが、これがいかにも神秘的……というか妖しすぎる。スクリャービンは、ブラヴァツキー夫人の神智学に多大な影響を受けた。音楽の演奏は、彼にとって「神智学のミサ」だった。

Poem of Ecstasy and Prometheus: Poem of Fire: In Full Score

Poem of Ecstasy and Prometheus: Poem of Fire: In Full Score


Scriabin: Mazurkas, Poemes, Impromptus and Other Works for Piano

Scriabin: Mazurkas, Poemes, Impromptus and Other Works for Piano

Scriabin: Complete Piano Sonatas

Scriabin: Complete Piano Sonatas

Scriabin: Complete Preludes and Etudes for Pianoforte Solo

Scriabin: Complete Preludes and Etudes for Pianoforte Solo

スクリャービンと神智学(Theosophy)については、Wikipedia でも触れられている。

Composers such as Ruth Crawford-Seeger, Dane Rudhyar, and most famously Alexander Scriabin, were Theosophists whose beliefs influenced their music, especially by providing a justification or rationale for their dissonant counterpoint.

According to Rudhyar, Scriabin was "the one great pioneer of the new music of a reborn Western civilization, the father of the future musician." (Rudhyar 1926b, 899) and an antidote to "the Latin reactionaries and their apostle, Stravinsky" and the "rule-ordained" music of "Schoenberg's group." (Ibid., 900-901)

Scriabin devised a quartal synthetic chord, often called his "mystic" chord, and before his death Scriabin planned a multimedia work, to be performed in the Himalayas, that would bring about the armageddon, "a grandiose religious synthesis of all arts which would herald the birth of a new world." (AMG [4]). This piece, Mysterium, was never realized.


by Alexander Scriabin