


ベートーヴェン弦楽四重奏曲「大フーガ/Grosse Fuge」Op133 は僕の大好きな曲の一つなんだけど、そのピアノ連弾版「大フーガ変ロ長調」Op134 の自筆楽譜が、ペンシルベニア州フィラデルフィア郊外のパーマー神学校で115年ぶりに発見された。

Beethoven manuscript, lost 115 years, is found [iht]

It was a working manuscript score for a piano version of Beethoven's "Grosse Fuge," a monument of classical music. And it was in the composer's own hand, according to Sotheby's auction house.

The 80-page manuscript in mainly brown ink - a furious scattering of notes across the page, with many changes and cross-outs, some so deep that the paper is punctured - dates from the final months before his death in 1827.

80ページにおよぶ草稿楽譜は、主に茶色のインクで書かれているが、そこには凄まじい(furious)変更、訂正、削除、切り貼り(cut-and-pastes)の「痕跡」が、生々しく残されているという。「悪名高き複雑さ」(notoriously complex)こそ、ベートーヴェンの真骨頂を示すものだ。

The white-hot crucible of musical creation [Guardian]

Beethoven's sketches and manuscripts are notoriously complex, full of reworkings, rewritings, and cut-and-pastes, like looking into the white-hot crucible of musical creation, and this astonishing manuscript seems to be no different. It's as if Beethoven is wrestling with his own creation, trying to tame music he had already written for one medium and translate it into another.

It all adds to the mystique of the music of the Grosse Fuge, still one of the most uncompromising pieces ever written, in which you can hear a composer at the height of his powers extending his imagination, the technique of his players, and the ears of his listeners into new realms of musical possibility.

また asahi.com によると、パーマー神学校では以前にもモーツァルトの『幻想曲ハ短調』『ソナタハ短調』(この曲も大好きだ)の自筆楽譜が発見されているという。



[Sotheby's auction house]

ベートーヴェン : 弦楽四重奏曲第13番変ロ長調

ベートーヴェン : 弦楽四重奏曲第13番変ロ長調

