何よりも注目なのが政治ニュース……ではなくて、スポーツだ。とくに「Telegraph Fantasy Football Friday」というサッカー番組が楽しい。これは見逃せないな。
それと今日の午後1時(英国時間)より、この「Telegraph TV」に保守党党首のデービッド・キャメロンが出演して読者の質問に直々に応えるのだという。
David Cameron answers your questions [Telegraph]
He now faces a number of new challenges on top of those he has grappled with in the two years he has led the Tory Party, among them a "bounce" in Gordon Brown's popularity and a chance that the Prime Minister might call a surprise autumn election. At the same time the Conservatives appear still to be split between modernisers and those who hark back to the Thatcher era.