



同性カップルの権利認める法案、可決 メキシコ市 [CNN]



Gay unions legalized for first time in Mexico [Reuters]

Mexico City approved homosexual civil unions on Thursday, legalizing gay partnerships for the first time in the world's second-largest Roman Catholic nation.

The capital's municipal assembly, controlled by left-wing legislators, voted for the measure 43-17 as hundreds of rival protesters demonstrated noisily outside the building.

The move paves the way for same-sex civil unions in the city of 8.6 million people early next year.

The local congress in the northern state of Coahuila, bordering Texas, began debating a similar plan this week to legalize gay unions.

"These reforms are going to cause a snowball effect that no one will be able to stop," said David Sanchez of the left-wing Party of the Democratic Revolution, one of the few openly gay national congressmen.

The initiatives in Mexico City and Coahuila are modeled on France's civil code and call for property, pension, inheritance and even co-parenting rights. But they stop short of allowing full marriage or adoption of children.

In 2002, the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires legalized same-sex unions, a move hailed as a first in Latin America.

Outside the assembly hall, gay activists with rainbow-color flags and Christian opponents of the law exchanged barbs.

↓のYouTube の映像はメキシコシティのゲイ・プライド2006(MEXICO CITY - GAY PRIDE 2006)の模様。さすがラテンの国、ゴージャスでホットで喧しい。

Mexico City legislature approves law recognizing gay civil unions [International Herald Tribune]

Tito Vasconcelos, one of Mexico City's leading homosexual activists disagreed.

Vasconcelos said the law represents "Mexico's entrance into the first world of democracy, along with other countries that recognize this type of union."

If the law is enacted, Mexico will join the ranks of the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires, and the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, which have approved civil unions. At the national level, federal lawmakers in Costa Rica and Colombia have debated similar measures.

In other parts of the world, a parliamentary committee approved proposals for same-sex marriages in South Africa on Thursday, clearing the way for the passage of legislation that would be unique on a deeply conservative continent.

Five years ago, Portugal extended some legal benefits — such as joint tax returns — to people who live together, including homosexuals. The concessions fell far short of the entitlements gained by marriage, however.

In Europe, Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain have legalized gay marriage. Canada and the U.S. state of Massachusetts also allow gay marriage.


二日酔い気味なので、濃く淹れた紅茶をガブ飲みし、目を覚ます。音楽も、「おお、運命の女神よ」(O Fortuna)で始まるカール・オルフ作曲の『カルミナ・ブラーナ』をチョイス。この20世紀を代表する「世俗カンタータ」の原始的で強烈なリズムが轟く大音響で、耳にも活を入れる。


Carmina Burana

Carmina Burana

  • アーティスト: Kevin McMillan,Carl Orff,Herbert Blomstedt,San Francisco Symphony Chorus,San Francisco Symphony Orchestra,Lynne Dawson,John Daniecki,San Francisco Girl's Chorus,San Francisco Boys' Chorus
  • 出版社/メーカー: Decca
  • 発売日: 1991/10/11
  • メディア: CD
  • クリック: 3回
  • この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る

カルミナ・ブラーナ」(Carmina Burana)とは「ベネディクト・ボイレンの歌」という意味。この詩歌集が保存されていた南ドイツのベネディクト会ボイレン修道院(Benediktbeuern)に由る。ただしその内容は、恋愛や酒、そしてセックスに関するもので満ち溢れており、風刺やパロディも効いた、露骨で野卑な詩歌なのだ。




皆川達夫『ON BOOKS(97)ルネサンスバロック名曲名盤100 (オン・ブックス)』(音楽之友社)p.26

ところで、オルフの『カルミナ・ブラーナ』という「酒池肉林」の音楽を指揮したヘルベルト・ブロムシュテット(Herbert Blomstedt)であるが、彼はアメリカ生まれのスウェーデン人で、宗教はプロテスタントセブンスデー・アドベンチスト教会派(Seventh-Day Adventist)に所属している。セブンスデイ・アドヴェンティストは禁酒禁煙、菜食主義の立場を取っている宗派。そのためブロムシュテットも極めて厳格なベジタリアンヴィーガンvegan )を実践しているのだ。



ヘルベルト・ブロムシュテット [Wikipedia Ja]

また『SEE MAGAZINE』には、ブロムシュテットと『カルミナ・ブラーナ』について以下のような言及があって興味を惹く*2

Kevin McMillan's recording of Carmina Burana with Herbert Blomstedt conducting the San Francisco Symphony and Chorus, which received a Grammy Award in 1992, is considered by many to be the definitive recording of the work.

"It's a great honor (to be a part of that recording). I am a huge admirer of Maestro Blomstedt. It was a great pleasure to work with him when I did.

"There is a very interesting sort of contradiction between that piece and him. It's fairly public knowledge that he is Seventh-Day Adventist and a very devout, lifelong vegetarian - just a very noble fellow. And Carmina Burana is not exactly the piece that one might associate with one of his polity . . . Carmina Burana always gets billed as this sort of lascivious (piece of) frivolity. But if you really look at the text of it, if you look at the structure of the whole piece, it is rather a dark work.

PREVIEW Carmina Burana




そして、一般的な永遠の地獄説を否定し、「永遠の火にあぶられる。(マタイ3-12)」の聖句を研究した結果、創世記19の「ソドムとゴモラの滅亡時に火に焼かれ、灰になった」を根拠に永遠地獄説を否定する。これは審判を受ける者に火が彼を焼き尽くすまで消える事のない永遠の火を意味すると言うのが彼ら独特の原理主義による解釈である。 この教理は英聖公会、米聖公会と同じ教理でもある。


Health, diet, and sexuality

Since the 1860s when the church began, wholeness and health have been an emphasis of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Seventh-day Adventists present a health message that recommends vegetarianism and expects abstinence from pork, shellfish, and other foods proscribed as "unclean" in Leviticus 11, as well as from alcohol and tobacco.

According to an official statement from the General Conference, heterosexual marriages are the only biblically ordained grounds for sexual intimacy.*3 Seventh-day Adventists do not perform same-sex marriages and gay men cannot be ordained. An extramarital affair is one of the sanctioned grounds for a divorce. Masturbation has also been traditionally condemned as a sinful practice, contrary to God's design for the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and for sex as a shared experience within marriage.

Wikipedia より





*1:”This recording was made using B & W Loudspeakers”とある

*2:このブロムシュテット盤『カルミナ・ブラーナ』は1992年度のグラミー賞Best Performance of a Choral Work」を受賞した(受賞年は1993年)

*3:Seventh-day Adventist Position Statement on Homosexuality