
Google のセルゲイ・ブリン氏、同性婚禁止法案に反対

Google の創業者で技術部門担当社長セルゲイ・ブリン氏(Sergey Brin、b.1973)は、同性婚を禁止するカリフォルニア州条例案Proposition 8)に反対であることを、オフィシャル・ブログの投稿で明らかにした。

We hope that California voters will vote no on Proposition 8 -- we should not eliminate anyone's fundamental rights, whatever their sexuality, to marry the person they love.

グーグル、「反同性婚」条例案に反対を表明 [毎日新聞]

Googleは カリフォルニア州で11月に投票の行われる同性結婚の禁止を目的とする条例案住民投票事項8(Proposition 8)に対して反対の態度を明らかにしている。

 Googleの共同創業者であるSergey Brin氏は米国時間9月26日午後にブログを投稿し、テクノロジ業界以外の問題について態度を明確にすることは同社にとってまれなことであると認めた。Brin氏によると、Googleは、従業員が多様であることから、社会問題に関しては態度の明確化を「特に」避けているという。



[http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/29/opinion/29mon3.html:title=Preserving California’s Constitution] [New York Times]

Whether this important civil rights victory endures is now up to California voters. Opponents of giving gay couples the protections, dignity and respect that come with marriage are working furiously to try to overturn the court ruling through Proposition 8. It is our fervent hope that Californians will reject this mean-spirited attempt to embed second-class treatment of one group of citizens in the State Constitution.

If passed, Proposition 8 would add language to the State Constitution stating that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” Supporters of the amendment complain about the “activist” judges who wrote the court decision. But the majority in the 4-to-3 ruling was acting to protect a vulnerable group from unfair treatment. Enforcing the state’s guarantee of equal protection is a job assigned to judges.

スピルバーグ夫妻も同性婚支持し10万ドル寄付 ブラピに続き「個人の権利剥奪に反対」の姿勢 [Yahoo! ニュース/VARIETY]


 「“Proposition 8”は、性的指向にかかわらず結婚することができるという州市民の権利をはく奪するものです。こうした差別はカリフォルニア州のみならず、いかなる場所においても許されるものではありません」

米国聖公会主教も「Proposition 8」条例への反対を表明
California's top Episcopal bishops oppose gay marriage ban [Los Angeles Times]

The bishops argued that preserving the right of gays and lesbians to marry would enhance the "Christian values" of monogamy, love and commitment.

"We believe that continued access to civil marriage for all, regardless of sexual orientation, is consistent with the best principles of our constitutional rights," said the Rt. Rev. J. Jon Bruno, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.


Gay Bishop Promotes Inclusive Message

California bishops call for defeat of proposition that would ban same-sex marriage [Episcopal Life Online]

The group statement, signed by bishops of the dioceses of Northern California, California, El Camino Real, San Joaquin, Los Angeles and San Diego, said, “We do not believe that marriage of heterosexuals is threatened by same-sex marriage. Rather, the Christian values of monogamy, commitment, love, mutual respect and witness of monogamy are enhanced for all by providing this right to gay and straight alike. Society is strengthened when two people who love each other choose to enter into marriage, engaged in a lifetime of disciplined relationship building that serves as a witness to the importance

↓ は AtGoogleTalks における同性婚を議題にした討論の模様。
Policy Talks@Google: Guerriero, Kendell, & Smith

また、アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー州知事やメアリー・チェイニー氏などの共和党員/共和党支持者は有志で「Republicans Against 8」を組織、反同性婚条例案に反対を表明している──「Proposition 8」は自由を侵害する、自由こそ共和党の根本的価値観ではないか、と。
Freedom is a Republican Value

[Republicans Against 8]
