

2008年1月1日、アメリカのニューハンプシャー州同性カップルにも法的認知と権利を与える新法、シビルユニオン法(civil unions law、市民婚法)が有効・実現した。
法案は、昨年議会で可決しジョン・リンチ州知事John Lynch民主党アイルランド系、カトリック)が署名していた

同性間の市民婚を認める法律発効、米ニューハンプシャー州 [AFP]



 同性愛者の権利向上を目的とする人権団体、Human Rights Campaignによれば、米国において同性婚や市民婚、あるいはそれに類する権利を認めているのはマサチューセッツ(Massachusetts)、バーモント(Vermont)、コネティカット(Connecticut)、カリフォルニア(California)、ニュージャージー(New Jersey)の5州のみ。オレゴン(Oregon)州でも1日よりドメスティック・パートナー法(同性カップルに結婚と同等の権利・義務の一部を付与する法律)が発効される予定だったが、連邦裁判所が暫定的に見合わせる決定を下している。

N.H. governor to sign bill allowing civil unions [MSNBC]

"I believe it is a matter of conscience, fairness and preventing discrimination," Lynch said in an interview.

Civil Unions in NH

New Year, New Unions for Gay Couples [AP]

New Hampshire's civil unions law — enacted by the Democrat-dominated Legislature early last year and signed by Democratic Gov. John Lynch in May, gives same sex couples the same rights, responsibilities and obligations of marriage without calling the union a marriage. New Hampshire is the fourth state in the nation to allow civil unions.

"We are a citizen legislature and we legislated this into being," said state Rep. Gail Morrison, a Democrat and co-organizer of the event who entered into a civil union with her longtime partner.

State Law in New Hampshire Allows Civil Unions, 37 Couples Brave Cold for Ceremony [VOA News]

Thirty seven gay couples braved cold temperatures in the state capital of Concord to be joined in civil union. The ceremonies were performed outside the statehouse after midnight local time.

The other states that allow civil unions are Vermont, Connecticut and New Jersey. Massachusetts is the only state that allows gay marriage.

Think Equal Ad #3 of 4: "Barring Equal"

Think Equal Ad #4 of 4: "Counsel Equal"

関連して。AFP の記事にあるように、今回のニューハンプシャー州の新法では「結婚」という言葉が使用されず聖職者によるゲイ・カップルへの「祝福」の拒否が認められているのだが、やはり1月に結婚法を改正して「同性婚」も有効になるスウェーデンでは、国教であるスウェーデン教会が同性カップルの挙式を認めこれをサポートすることを表明している。

スウェーデン教会、同性の挙式正式認可 「結婚」の使用は否定 [クリスチャントゥデイ]




Sweden's Biggest Church Supports Gay Marriage Bill [365Gay.com]

The Church of Sweden said Wednesday that it approves of legislation that would make laws governing marriage gender neutral.

The denomination describes itself as Evangelical Lutheran and its membership includes about 75 percent of Sweden's population.

In making its statement of support for the bill now before Parliament the Church, however, said it would continue to use the word "marriage" to refer to opposite sex unions.

The statement said that marriage and partnership are "forms of partnership of equal value".

The support of the Church is considered the last major hurdle the legislation faced before going before Parliament.

Six of Sweden's seven political parties support the legislation that would allow same-sex couples to marry, leaving only the small Christian Democratic Party opposing the measure.

The bill has wide support within the four party coalition government of Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt.

If passed it would create gender-neutral marriage, allow churches to perform ceremonies, provide same-sex couples with the right to adopt children and allow lesbians to have artificial insemination.

