

キューバの最高指導者フィデル・カストロ国家評議会議長(Fidel Castro、79歳)は7月31日、手術のため、国家元首としての権限を暫定的に実弟ラウル・カストロ同評議会第1副議長兼国防相(Raul Castro、75歳)に委譲した。

カストロ議長手術、一時権限委譲 重体説…後継問題を注視Yahoo! ニュース/産経新聞


Text: Castro cedes powers [BBC NEWS]

  1. I provisionally delegate my functions as first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba to its second secretary, comrade Raul Castro Ruz.
  2. I provisionally delegate my functions as commander in chief of the heroic Revolutionary Armed Forces to the aforementioned comrade, Army General Raul Castro.
  3. I provisionally delegate my functions as president of the Council of State and Government of the Republic of Cuba to the first vice president, comrade Raul Castro Ruz.
  4. I provisionally delegate my responsibilities as head of the national and international public health programme to the Politburo member and public health minister, comrade Jose Ramon Balaguer Cabrera.
  5. I provisionally delegate my responsibilities as head of the national and international education programme to comrades Jose Ramon Machado Ventura and Esteban Lazo Hernandez, members of the Politburo.
  6. I provisionally delegate my responsibilities as head of Cuba's national Energy Revolution programme and collaboration with other countries in this area to comrade Carlos Lage Davila, member of the Politburo and secretary of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers.


Imperialism will never be able to crush Cuba. The battle of ideas will continue.

Long live the fatherland.

Long live the Revolution.

Long live socialism.

Onward to victory forever.

[Raul Castro]

Raul can claim an earlier commitment to socialism than his brother, whose early defining political characteristic was nationalism.

Some say that he has always been more of a hard-liner than Fidel. In the first few months of the Revolution, he was kept out of the limelight because his militancy was thought unpalatable.

カストロ後」の後継問題が気になるところであるが、英国のゲイ・メディア「Pink News」は、ラウル・カストロへの政権移譲にキューバのゲイ・コミュニティが注視している、と報じている。

Castro illness may raise Cuba’s gay hopes [Pink News]

これによると、ラウル・カストロ防相本人というよりも、娘のマリエラ・カストロ氏(Mariela Castro)の「役割」に期待が高まっているようだ。

Nowadays Raul Castro’s daughter, Mariela Castro is in charge of the government’s National Centre for Sex Education, from which she has promoted issues of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights, in stark contrast to country’s macho society and homosexual witch-hunts of the 1960s and 1970s.

Her department has previously campaigned for better AIDs prevention and promoted a soap opera involving a bisexual character and most recently pushed for a free gender transition law, which will be voted on in December.


そのことに貢献したのが、マリエラ・カストロ氏である。彼女は国立の性教育機関「National Centre for Sex Education」の責任者であり、LGBTの問題に積極的に取り組んでいる。例えばエイズ教育、「ジェンダー・フリー」に関する法(free gender transition law)等のキャンペーンに携わった。

She told the Reuters news agency that she is aiming to extend the Cuban Revolution to sexuality, "I want to bring the revolution's humanity to those aspects of life that it hasn't reached because of old prejudices."

She insisted that she has the support of her father but admitted President Castro is harder to persuade, "Of course, I talk with my father whenever I have the chance. He is one of those in the party that supports our work. He thinks it is useful, good, just.

キューバ革命セクシュアリティの分野にまで広げたい。革命がもたらした人間性を、旧弊な偏見により差別を受けている人たちにも分け与えたい」マリエラ・カストロ氏は語る。マリエラ・カストロ氏の母親ビルマエスピン氏(Vilma Espin)もキューバにおける女性運動の活動家であった。

Ms Castro is now being pushed to promote gay unions in the country, she said: “Many people ask her if she plans to push legalisation of gay marriages.

"We do not know what we will propose. It depends on what we identify as homosexuals' and lesbians' main needs.

"Marriage is not as important in Cuba as in other more Catholic countries. Here consensual pairing is more important, what matters is love."

If her legislation is approved it would rank Cuba amongst the most liberal Latin American nations on gay issues.

In 1979 homosexuality was legalised in Cuba, and the President has recently described being gay as natural. However the country has no anti discrimination laws based on sexual orientation and bans gay organisations.

マリエラ・カストロ氏は現在、ゲイ・ユニオン(シビル・ユニオン、gay unions)の法制化に取り組んでいる。ただし「同性婚」(gay marriages)については、当事者のゲイやレズビアン次第であると言うに止まる。なぜなら、キューバは他のカトリックの国と比べて結婚をそれほど重視していないから、と。
