
FDP ヴェスターヴェレへのプレッシャー



ただし政治アナリスト Franz Walter 氏は、ヴェスターヴェレが緑の党との連立を明確に否定してしまったことが、FDP党内において大きなプレッシャーになっているのではないか、と見ている。そのことによって SPD-緑の党-FDP 及び CDU/CSU-緑の党-FDP という連立を困難にしているからだ。

Hung German elections produce political stalemate [Expatica]

Well-known political analyst Franz Walter said it was possible the "Machiavellian" Schroeder could hold on to power.

The decisive factor was who was able to unite the largest coalition, not who led the largest party, he said.

Schroeder had achieved a better result than expected during the campaign, he said. "Arithmetically there are a lot of possibilities. The stage is free for the great Machiavellian, the power-hungry Schroeder."

He added that Westerwelle would come under pressure within the FDP to backtrack on his rigid rejection of a three-way coalition with the Greens.

"Those with the strongest nerves in the next few days, who have mastered the best political tricks and who have the necessary authority within their party, will make the running," Walter said.