

VIRTUOSO クラシック音楽界のデヴィッド・ベッカム──なんて呼ばれているらしいモデル&ヴァイオリニストのデイヴィッド・ギャレット(David Garrett、b. 1980)。

[David Garrett Official site]

そのギャレット様の映像。曲はヴィットーリオ・モンティ(Vittorio Monti、1868 - 1922)の《チャールダーシュ/Csárdás》。

David Garret

ギャレットはクラウディオ・アバドミハイル・プレトニョフらと共演しCD も出している「正統派」のヴァイオリニストだと思っていたのだけれども(今は違うのか?)、ずいぶんとノリがいいなあ。でも、勢い余って1772年に製作された貴重なガダニーニ(Giovanni Battista Guadagnini)のヴァイオリンを壊しちゃったってのはイタいよね。

Violinist: Fall Fractures $1M Fiddle [AP]

David Garrett, a former model who has been called the David Beckham of the classical scene, said he tripped while carrying his 18th century violin as he was leaving London's Barbican Hall after a performance, smashing it to bits.

"I had it over my shoulder in its case and I fell down a concrete flight of stairs backward," Garrett said Thursday. "When I opened the case, much of my G.B. Guadagnini had been crushed."

Violinist destroys $1m instrument [BBC NEWS]

"I fell down a flight of stairs and landed on my violin case," he told the BBC. "When I opened it up, it was a total mess."

Garrett, 26, likened the accident to "losing a dear friend".

The 230-year-old instrument will spend the next eight months in a workshop, with a repair bill of around £60,000.




  • アーティスト: デイヴィッド・ギャレット,パコ・ペーニャ
  • 出版社/メーカー: ユニバーサル ミュージック クラシック
  • 発売日: 2007/02/14
  • メディア: CD
  • この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る

How to repair a valuable violin? [BBC NEWS]

As for Garrett, he now plays a replacement Stradivarius supplied by Mr Morris's firm, but eagerly awaits the return of his patched-up Guadagnini.


David Garrett spielt Carmen Fantasie
