

イギリスの保守党議員アラン・ダンカン氏(Alan Duncan 、1957年生まれ)が、シティに勤める広報マン、ジェイムズ・ダンシース氏(James Dunseath、39歳)とシビルパートナシップ(civil partnership)を結ぶことを発表した。ダンカン氏は保守党で初めて公式にゲイであることをカミングアウトした議員で、現在、影の内閣でビジネス大臣(business secretary)を務めている。

Tory MP Alan Duncan to enter civil partnership [Telegraph]

Mr Duncan, 50, an MP since 1992, will be the first member of the Cabinet or shadow cabinet to have entered into a legal partnership with a same-sex partner.

Mr Cameron, who embraced same-sex relationships in his first party conference speech as leader, told The Daily Telegraph last night that he was "thrilled" for Mr Duncan.

Mr Duncan and his partner James Dunseath, 39, a press officer in the City, will hold the ceremony at Marylebone registry office in the summer. Mr Cameron, who has not been to a civil partnership ceremony, is hoping to attend.


Alan Duncan: 'I'm an MP who happens to be gay' [Telegraph]

Duncan's general bumptiousness deserts him a little when asked about children. He is quieter and more reflective.

"I would have loved to have kids. I really would have enjoyed being a father," he says. "But my personal view is that I don't think it's consistent with being in a gay partnership. I voted in favour of gay adoption but I would never contemplate doing it myself. I have serious qualms about it. I'm seriously uneasy about a gay couple making a baby by someone else. But I am a libertarian and I voted in Parliament for a law which allows other people to take a different view and exercise it."



YouTube には「ゲイの議員 英国政治における同性愛(Pride and Prejudice)」と題されたBBCのドキュメンタリー映像があった。ダンカン議員も登場している。
Gay MPs - Homosexuality in British Politics.