


中国、初の男性同性愛者向けエイズ対策 [AFP]

英字紙『チャイナ・デーリー』(China Daily)に掲載された衛生省のエイズ予防担当部門の幹部の説明によると、




また、前年、中国政府と国連(UN)、世界保健機構(World Health Organisation、WHO)がまとめた調査データによると、現在中国のエイズ患者数は約70万人で、男性同士の性行為による感染は全体の12.2%だった。

China to draw up HIV/AIDS prevention policy for gays [China Daily]

BEIJING - China is to work out a HIV/AIDS prevention policy this year to combat the rising incidence of HIV/AIDS in the country's gay population, the Ministry of Health said here Wednesday.

The policy will incorporate detailed HIV/AIDS prevention measures for MSM (men who have sex with men) including extending the use of condoms, according to the ministry's work plan for disease prevention and control in 2008.

China has decided to intensify its AIDS intervention campaign on MSM by carrying out AIDS prevention training among the gay population nationwide as well as conducting consultation, HIV/AIDS tests, venereal disease treatment in some areas, the ministry said.

According to an appraisal report jointly prepared by the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNAIDS, among the 700,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in China by the end of 2007, 40.6 percent contracted the virus through heterosexual transmission, 11.1 percent through MSM.

ちょっとAFPの記事と微妙に数値が違うのが気になるのだが。こちらでは患者数70万人というのは同じだが、40.6%が異性間による感染、同性間(MSM、men who have sex with men)によるものが 11.1%となっている。

The Chinese government will expand its coverage of replacement therapy for drug addicts, using methadone, a synthesized narcotic, and continue to improve its policy of offering AIDS patients various free services, such as counseling, testing, anti-viral medicine and education for orphans of AIDS patients, the ministry said.

Clinics providing the therapy have been built in 503 communities in 23 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, figures from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) show.

China to set AIDS prevention policies for gay men [Reuters India]

The Ministry's announcement on its Web site (www.moh.gov.cn) did not give any details of the policies, but a prevention plan aimed at gay men would be a shift in a country where officials typically avoid openly addressing sexual issues, especially homosexuality.


Late last year China rolled out its first major television campaign to promote condom use to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS.



ゲイ・メディアでは、例えば英 PinkNews が取り上げている。とりわけ目を引いたのが以下。

China starts HIV prevention schemes among gay men [PinkNews]

PinkNews.co.uk reported in 2006 that China approved its first gay and lesbian organisation, Happy Together, which counts professors, teachers and students among its members.

In October Chinese academics called for the country's estimated 40 million homosexuals to be given the right to marry.

Professor Li Yinhe, a sociologist and campaigner for LGBT rights, and Zhang Beichuan, a leading scholar of homosexuality, have been at the forefront of a campaign to allow same-sex marriage in China.

She previously attempted to submit same-sex marriage proposals to the National People's Congress, China's highest legislative body, but did not succeed due to lack of support from delegates.

Campaigners say that gay marriage would also promote safe sex and prevent the spread of HIV/ AIDS.

中国のゲイの権利擁護者たちの間で同性婚を求める声が高まっており、社会学者の Li Yinhe(李銀河)教授などは全国人民代表大会全人代、National People's Congress)で同性婚の法制化の提案を──結局はサポートが得られず断念したのだが──企図したことが書かれてある。活動家たちは、同性婚合法化によってセーフ・セックスが広まり、 HIV/エイズの拡大も防げると主張しているようだ。

→ Li Yinhe/李銀河 [Wikipedia en]

Li Yinhe (traditional Chinese: 李銀河; simplified Chinese: 李银河; pinyin: Lǐ Yínhé) (February 4, 1952 – ) is a sociologist, sexologist, and an activist for LGBT rights in People's Republic of China. She was married to the late writer Wang Xiaobo.

→ 李银河 [Wikipedia 中文]




日本では中国の同性愛についての書籍がまったくと言っていいほど紹介されていないが、Li Yinhe/李銀河氏の精力的な著作及び政治活動には目を瞠るものがある。なかでも

  • 《他们的世界——中国男同性恋群落透视》(Their World: a Study of Homosexuality in China),1992年,香港天地图书公司 (合著)


Amazon を見たら Song Hwee Lim 著『Celluloid Comrades: Representations of Male Homosexuality in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas』という英語の著作があった。映画に関する本らしく、こちらも気になった。

Celluloid Comrades: Representations of Male Homosexuality in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas

Celluloid Comrades: Representations of Male Homosexuality in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas
