

『リベラルたちの背信』が邦訳されている、著名な──悪名高き──保守派論客(あるいは民主党罵倒エンターテイナー)アン・コールターAnn Coulter が、「ジョン・マケイン共和党の大統領候補になったら、私はヒラリー・クリントンを応援する」と「背信的な」発言をして話題になっている。
Ann Coulter I will support Hillary if McCain gets nomination

Towleroad によれば、

If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans She's more conservative than he is. I think she'd be stronger on the war on terrorism. I absolutely believe that...I will campaign for her if it's McCain. He has led the fight against torture at Guantanamo. She hasn't done that. She hasn't taken a position in front....He keeps going on and on about how he was the only Republican who supported the surge and other Republicans attacked him. It was so awful how he was attacked, it was worse than being held in a tiger cage. Well I looked at the record, Republicans all supported the surge. He's not only not the only one who supported the surge. I promise you no Republican attacked him for this and you know why I think he's saying that, Sean. I realize cause he keeps saying it every debate. He's confusing Republicans with his liberal friends. They're the ones who attacked him for it. His real friends...Their positions are about that far apart.

クリントン候補の方がマケイン候補よりもずっと保守的、「テロとの戦い」(War on Terrorism)だってクリントンの方が強行に推し進めてくれると思う。マケインなんてグアンタナモ基地問題ごときに神経を尖らせているじゃない、でもヒラリーはそうじゃない。マケインにはリベラルな友人がたくさんいるからダメなんだ。”Hillary is absolutely more conservative.” ヒラリーは頭がいいし、嘘をつかない。でもマケインは……と罵倒が続く。


Ann Coulter Endorses Hillary [Digg]



President Clinton responds to Ann Coulter


I Hate Ann Coulter!

I Hate Ann Coulter!