

マイクロソフト社のエグゼクティヴ、 マイケル・ウォーレント/Michael Wallent 氏が11月に性転換手術(男性から女性へ、male-to-female transition)を行い、そして今月、”Megan” Wallent と名前を変え、同社の「女性幹部」として職場に復帰した。(via.towleroad

Megan Wallent 氏のブログの自己紹介を見ると、Internet Explorer の開発に携わるなど、彼女がいかに MS社で重要な仕事をしてきたのかがわかる。

[M( ) From Michael to Megan]

Megan Wallent, the newly female executive at Microsoft who formerly went by the name "Michael," reports that her return to the office yesterday was mostly uneventful. The women's restrooms have pink tile, she discovered. (No "trannie restrooms" for her.) "Microsoft Pink," she says, as opposed to the usual Microsoft-logo blue one encounters so much on the Redmond campus. Telling her story to Valleywag and then starting her own blog helped, she believes: "I thought just about everyone who would interact with me knew. Surprising people with a cool new set of 38Cs -- not a good idea."


Microsoft has been a pioneer in workplace diversity. It was one of the first companies in the world to offer employee benefits to same-sex domestic partners and to include sexual orientation in its corporate nondiscrimination policy. Since 1989, Microsoft has supported and sponsored gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues at Microsoft. In 1993 an organized employee resource group—Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Employees at Microsoft (GLEAM)—was launched. GLEAM now has more than 700 members.

Michael Wallent, a general manager at Microsoft, will return to work in January as Megan Wallent. He came out to colleagues as transgender last month, first in person and then by email. Wallent says he encountered nothing but support -- mixed, of course, with some awkward curiosity. That's unremarkable.

SHUCKS A$$ さんのブログにも記事があったので参照のこと。
