

BCP Personal Ecomony Edition Red アメリカのキリスト教主要宗派の一つ、英国国教会の流れをくむ米国聖公会(US Episcopal Church、信者数230万人)の総裁主教、キャサリン・ジェファーツショーリ氏(Katharine Jefferts Schori)が BBC のインタビューでゲイの主教を擁護、またこの問題でイングランド国教会を含む他の教会の「ダブルスタンダード」を批判した。

US Church 'unfairly criticised' [BBC NEWS]

The head of the Anglicans in the United States has accused other churches, including the Church of England, of double standards over sexuality.

The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Katherine Jefferts Schori, told the BBC her church is paying the price for its honesty over sexuality.


Episcopal Leader Defends Gay Bishops [Advocate]

Jefferts Schori told BBC Radio 4's PM program that the New York-based church, which is the Anglican body in the U.S., is far from the only Anglican province that has a bishop with a same-sex partner. In 2003, Episcopalians elected the first openly gay bishop, V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, causing an uproar that has pushed the Anglican family toward a split.

''He is certainly not alone in being a gay bishop; he's certainly not alone in being a gay partnered bishop,'' Jefferts Schori said in an interview broadcast Tuesday. ''He is alone in being the only gay partnered bishop who's open about that status.''

また、ゲイ・カップルへの「祝福」(bless gay couples)も非公式に行われていることを認めたが、個々の教会が独自の判断で行っていることであり、米聖公会としてはそれに対する批判を受け入れるつもりはない、と述べた。

Gay blessings

The US church also faces criticism over its stance on services of blessing for gay couples.

The church has stated it will not officially authorise such services, but Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori admits they do take place.

"Those services are happening in various places, including in the Church of England, where my understanding is that there are far more of them happening than there are in the Episcopal Church," she said.

Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori refused to criticise US parishes that carry out services of blessing for gay couples, saying that it was a decision for each individual church.


Presiding Bishop Easter Message

Conversation with the Church, October 2007

[The Episcopal Church]

米国聖公会(Episcopal Church in the United States of America)は、キリスト教の一派のアングリカン・コミュニオンのひとつ。アメリカ合衆国、バージン諸島、ハイチ、台湾、コロンビア、ドミニカ国エクアドルホンジュラスに主教区を持つほか、プエルトリコおよびベネズエラの主教区と地域を越えた関係にある。しばしばEpiscopal Church in the USA、略称ECUSAと言及される。


A Wing and a Prayer: A Message of Faith and Hope

A Wing and a Prayer: A Message of Faith and Hope
