

RT(Russia Today)のニュースキャスターがハンサムでカッコよかったので(笑)、他にもないかと、YouTube にある同社提供のニュース映像を探していて見つけた記事──何故か、そう何故か BBC 他の「英国メディア」では見かけなかった。


Israel and Russia are moving closer together [RussiaToday]

Prostitution, criminal warlords, KGB spies and dirty money - these are the images leftover from the old times. Even today the Western world is not ready to open its doors to the former Soviet Union.

But in Israel politicians have been watching the changes closely and are ready to make a move.

The Israeli Internal Security Ministry voted unanimously to cancel the law requiring visas for visitors from the former Soviet Union and Russia.

↓ の RT の映像では、モスクワのスタジオとテルアビブの旅行代理店を中継して、ロシア-イスラエル間のさらなるビジネスが期待できること、両国の家族親類が気軽に訪問できることを歓迎している様子が映し出されている。ちなみにビザに掛かる費用は大人一人年間1000 USドルだそうだ。

Russians travelling to Israel will no longer need visa

Israel predicts some 300,000 more Russian tourists will come and create another 10,000 jobs in the Israeli economy: but what is not clear is how many Israelis will be making the same journey in the opposite direction. The ball is now in the Russian court.

If the agreement is signed, Israel will be a litmus test for the rest of the western world as to whether or not to follow suit.



Israel May Eliminate Visa Requirements for Russian Tourists [Arutz Sheva]

Tourism Minister Yitzchak Aharonovitch called the ministerial committee's decision a triumph of "common sense." Minister Aharonovitch, who initiated the current proposal earlier this year, said that canceling the visa requirement would encourage tens of thousands of Russian tourists to visit Israel each year. An increase in tourism, he said, would also create "thousands of jobs."

基本的にはロシア側が相互主義(reciprocal policy)を採用するかに掛かっているようなのだが、イスラエル外務省を始めとする関係省庁はおおよそ──Public Security Minister以外は──ビザ廃止に賛成のようだ。

The Globes financial newspaper quoted leading Israeli businessman Lev Levayev, who also heads the Israel-Russia and Israel-Ukraine Chambers of Commerce, as saying lifting the visa requirement for Russian visitors "will yield benefits in many economic sectors in Israel as soon as goes it into effect. This is an important move that could double trade between the two countries to more than $1 billion.... I hope that the decision taken by the ministerial committee will also mark a turning point in the attitude of the government and society in Israel towards businesspeople from Russia and the CIS countries, and towards tourists who will now be visiting Israel more frequently and in larger numbers."


Israel is now home to approximately one million immigrants born in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. In 2005, officials of the Immigration Police estimated that another 70,000 relatives of Israeli citizens were living in Israel illegally. The dropping of visa requirements will increase the ease of family visits from the "old country." On the other hand, it will facilitate trips to Russia by those Israeli Jews looking into their family roots in Europe.

