


Edwards announces gay supporters [Yahoo! News/AP]

Edwards is making a push for gay support in the competitive Democratic presidential primary. In February, he came out in support of legislation that would end the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that prevents people who are openly gay from serving in the military.

But Edwards has competition for the gay community's support — Barack Obama 's campaign has also said he is opposed to "don't ask, don't tell," as has Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign. She also told the Human Rights Campaign last month that she wants a partnership with gays if elected president.

エドワーズ元上院議員のリストで注目されるのは、ビル・クリントン大統領の選挙戦略アドヴァイザーでもあった David Mixner 氏が含まれていることだ。エドワーズ陣営のゲイ・サポーター・リストが公開されている towleroad によれば、David Mixner 氏の存在によって、クリントン政権が米軍におけるゲイの兵士の受入れを決定した──しかし、”Don't Ask, Don't Tell”という形で。
エドワーズ候補は、この”Don't Ask, Don't Tell”ポリシーの廃絶を明言しているのだが、バラック・オバマ候補、ヒラリー・クリントン候補も同様にこの米軍の差別規定に反対している。

John Edwards speaks at the National Press Club

[John Edwards 08]

クリントン候補のゲイ・サポーター・リストは、まだ正式なものではないようだが、 有力LGBT団体 HRC(Human Rights Campaign)のディレクターの名前が含まれている。

Clinton campaign unveils gay supporters [Washington Blade]

クリントン候補は、HRC のメンバーを前にして、同性婚を禁じる憲法修正に反対することを明言した。
Sen. Hillary Clinton at Human Rights Campaign Board Meeting

Clinton promises gays ‘open door’ to White House [Washington Blade]

Clinton, who is ahead in the polls among Democrats running in next year’s election, told more than 400 Human Rights Campaign leaders and volunteers that she supports gay adoption and wants gays to be able to serve openly in the military.

She also told of how she worked closely behind the scenes with HRC and other gay groups to develop the strategy that helped defeat a proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

“I want you to know this is exactly the kind of partnership we will have when I am president,” she said, drawing loud applause and cheers.

“I want you to know that just as you always have an open door to my Senate office, you will always have an open door to the White House,” she said. “Together, we will continue our struggle against hatred and our stand for equality.”

[Hillary Clinton 08]
