


The Snake Boy [ChinaOnTV] via.Digg

CoCo, one of the best jazz singers in Shanghai, was born in the Year of the Snake. Despite his musical talents, he was booed off stage and rejected from record companie—because he’s gay. In this documentary, from the interviews with him and his friends, we will know about his struggles, his music, his dream and his love life.

Born in a home of music, some may say CoCo’s musical talent is inherited. His mother is a Chinese opera singer and his father knows how to play various musical instruments like piano, cello and other oriental instruments. Heavily influenced by his parents, he left home and studied in Wuhan Music School at age 10 and became the youngest student in the Composing Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music at age 16. At 17, he started to perform in night clubs and started to get famous.

ココはゲイであるため、レコード会社は彼との契約を拒絶した。しかしココは上海で最も才能のあるジャズ・シンガーであると多くの人が認めている。中国では同性愛に対する偏見が根強い──つい最近までタブーでさえあった。そのため、彼はフランスへ逃れるように旅立った。一時は自殺まで考えたココであるが、しかしそこで最愛の人に出会えることができた。ビデオは、そんなココの音楽とラブ・ライフ(love life)を描いたものである。

