

ホストにオープンリー・ゲイの Didier Zheng 氏、レズビアン・シンガー、Qiaoqiao 氏を迎えた、同性愛者向けのインターネット・テレビ番組「Tong Xing Xianglian (Binding Homosexuals Together)」が中国に開局した。

china to get first ever gay internet TV show [Fridae]

The 12 episodes will feature openly gay presenters including AIDS activist, Didier Zheng, discussing issues related to gay people - such as coming out and gay marriage. The show is expected to be accessible to 130 million people through large Chinese web portals Sina.com, Mop.com, PPLive and Tencent. Producers of the programme will also provide a forum for gay viewers to communicate with each other.

Online Program to Feature Gay Host [china.org.cn/チャイナネット]

The first openly gay host in China, Didier-Zheng, will take part in the program, and Qiaoqiao, owner of the famous "Feng" Lesbian Bar in Beijing and the first lesbian singer to have exposed her identity, will be the guest on the show.

Show on gay themes to go online in China [IHT]

The new show will explore homosexuality from legal, parental and sociological perspectives and will deal with issues like gay marriage, Gang said. The program will also feature a friend-matching segment.

China launches first gay TV show [BBC NEWS]

The programme producer said homosexuals in China had been under pressure - mainly from "a lack of understanding".

"We hope that after this show airs, homosexuality will no longer be an issue, that society will be more enlightened about it, more understanding and more tolerant," Gang Gang said.


[itv.phoenixtv.com. ]

Chinanews.cn(中国新聞網)の記事「Gay host to appear on online video programs」によれば、Didier-Zhengさんはフランスで学び、HIV/AIDS関連の論文も発表している。テレビ番組ではエイズに関する情報も発信する。 Qiaoqiaoさんは、北京にあるレズビアン・バー「Feng」のオーナーで、レズビアンであることを中国で初めて公表した歌手だ。

[智行基金會/Chi Heng Foundation](Didier Zheng氏が所属している、孤児、エイズ及び差別撤廃ための団体)

同性愛者のための「Equal Opportunities」というブランチもある。

Utopia Guide to China: The Gay & Lesbian Scene in 50 Chinese Cities Including Hong Kong, Beijing & Shanghai

Utopia Guide to China: The Gay & Lesbian Scene in 50 Chinese Cities Including Hong Kong, Beijing & Shanghai
