

ドイツのゲアハルト・シュレーダー前首相(社会民主党SPD)は、近く出版される回想録『Entscheidungen. Mein Leben in der Politik 』(Decisions - My Life In Politics)で、ブッシュ米大統領の宗教観に基づく政治手法を厳しく批判していることがわかった。

Entscheidungen: Mein Leben in der Politik

Entscheidungen: Mein Leben in der Politik

ドイツ:シュレーダー前首相、米大統領を自伝で批判 「政治判断に神が影響」 [毎日新聞]



ブッシュ大統領の信心深さに懸念…独前首相の回想録 [Yahoo! ニュース/読売新聞]


「神との会話で政治」と米大統領を批判 独前首相が自伝 [朝日新聞]



Schroeder attacks Bush in memoirs [BBC NEWS]

The book, Decisions - My Life In Politics, is set to put a few noses out of joint, our correspondent says.

One German newspaper wrote this week that "the old grizzly has returned from the depths of the forest and begun swinging at everything around him."

Writing of Mr Bush, Mr Schroeder says: "the impression arises that political decisions are the result of a dialogue with God".

The former chancellor fell out with the US president over the Iraq war.

But he is critical also of his successor, the first German woman chancellor Angela Merkel, saying she is a weak leader.

Gerhard Schroeder criticises Bush in new memoir [Expatica]

In the memoirs, he describes "some very pleasant meetings" with the US president despite the men's differing opinions on the war against Iraq.

Schroeder, who served as chancellor from 1998-2005, was a strong opponent of the war and refused to provide military assistance in the venture, souring relations between the two allies.

But the former chancellor said he became uneasy in his relations with Bush because of the tendency of the US president to link religion and politics.

Referring to the Russian leader, Schroeder praised the hospitality shown to him by Putin, who served as a Russian KGB officer in East Germany before reunification.

"I have rarely experienced that my wife and myself were able to build such a warm and uncomplicated relationship to the family of a head of government as we could with the Putins."

Schroeder and his wife Doris adopted two Russian children during the time he was chancellor and immediately afterward, when he became a director of a company owned by Russian energy giant Gazprom.