



同性愛活動家、ロシアでゲイ・パレード敢行へ [goo ニュース/ロイター]





ニコライ・アレクセイエフ"If people had really maintained the status quo in our history, the Cold War would have never ended, Boris Yeltsin would have never come to power and homosexuality would still be a crime in Russia,"

Gay marchers to defy Moscow ban [BBC NEWS]

The organiser of Russia's first gay and lesbian festival, Nikolai Alexeyev, told the BBC that the gay activists would find an alternative route.

Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov banned the march, calling it an "outrage" and nationalists plan to disrupt the event.

But Mr Alexeyev said campaigners had already achieved their goal of raising awareness of homophobia in Russia.

"This event was just the opportunity for us to say no to homophobia and to attract the media attention to this problem and to attract the attention of the authorities," he told the BBC's World Today programme.

"In the last 10 months I would say the Russian media has talked about this problem more than in the whole of Russian history."

Mr Alexeyev said homophobia was a big problem in Russia and there were frequent attacks on gay people.


The police will not protect us because this will be officially an illegal event


Gay pride challenges Moscow [BBC NEWS]

"Russia needs the parade because it will help the country to show that we are a tolerant society," argues Nikolai Alexeyev, the chief organiser of the Pride.

"It will be a very strong attempt to break the ice between society and the gay community. People will understand that there are no reasons to be scared of sexual minorities."

Russian media, in his opinion, distort the image of gay people, portraying them as "perverts and people who only need pity".

Predicting a turnout of some 5,000, he strongly objects to moving the parade away from the centre though he is open to negotiation about the final route.

He also rejects the suggestion that many gay people do not want the Pride. Some gay businessmen, he suggests, are anxious about the Pride's possible commercial fallout, but, "at the end of the day, the fact is that activists and individuals support this event".

Status Quo の打破”、それが重要なのだ。ゲイ・プライド・パレードは、迫害からの解放、非人間的扱いの拒絶、抑圧への抵抗、精神の自由をめざすものなのである。「権利のための闘争」なのである。誇りを持った人々の連帯なのである。
Московскому гей-прайду - быть!




Moscow Court Upholds Ban on Gay Parade [Washington Post]

City authorities cited the potential for violence as the primary reason for banning the parade _ a decision criticized by European gay activists. A spokesman for the Tverskoi court said judges upheld the ban Friday, rejecting an appeal by parade organizers who had argued the ban was unconstitutional.

Mayor Yury Luzhkov said in a radio interview Friday that gay parades "may be acceptable for some kind of progressive, in some sense, countries in the West, but it is absolutely unacceptable for Moscow, for Russia."

このロシアの措置は、ヨーロッパのゲイ・アクティヴィストらから批判を浴びている。また、パレードに参加すべく、ヨーロッパの活動家らがモスクワを訪れている。”OutRage!”のピーター・タッチェル(Peter Tatchell)もその一人である。

British activist Peter Tatchell speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Moscow, Friday, May 26, 2006.
Peter Tatchell said that Russian gays and lesbians were deluded if they thought that only "quiet diplomacy" would improve the situation in Russia, which he described as a "climate of fear." A Moscow court on Friday upheld a ban by city authorities on what would have been the Russian capital's first gay and lesbian pride parade, and organizers said they were considering flouting the prohibition.

Marching in Moscow [Guardian]

The tenuous, ambivalent nature of Russian democracy is evidenced by the latest crackdown on the lesbian and gay rights movement. The mayor of Moscow has banned Russia's first ever Gay Pride Parade, which was scheduled to take place near the Kremlin this Saturday.

In a move reminiscent of the bad old days of KGB repression, mayor Yuri Luzhkov is threatening mass arrests. He says the government will not allow a gay parade "in any form" and that any attempt by gays to march in the streets will be "resolutely quashed".





