


ブライアン・フリーマントル『追いつめられた男』(大熊栄 訳、新潮文庫)p.35-36


スパイ求む!英情報機関が初の新聞広告 [時事通信/goo ニュース]



英諜報機関MI6が新聞広告で工作員を募集 [ロイター/goo ニュース]


「英国民が頼りにしている」 MI6、新聞に初のスパイ募集広告 [産経新聞/goo ニュース]


MI6 ad for 'operational officers' [BBC NEWS]

The MI6 website gives further details outlining the different types of jobs performed and providing profiles of people's work understood to be based on real individuals.

All applicants must be British, resourceful, in good health and able to keep a secret.

"Operational officers" also need a university degree, strong intellectual skills, an interest in foreign cultures and an "outstanding ability to persuade and to influence".

But there is also the need for people with IT skills to deal with the complex forms of data analysis involved in counter-terrorism, as well as expertise in areas like human resources, accountancy and management to support the organisation's work.

However, opening up recruitment does create some dangers for the secret services. Unscrupulous individuals, journalists, or even al-Qaeda sympathisers could try and sign up but there will continue to be tight security checks to spot any unwanted attention.

作戦要員(Operational officers)は、大学の学位が必要。情報処理能力、外国に対する関心、優れた交渉力・説得力、それに加え、複雑なデータ分析のためのITスキル。

MI6 comes in out of the cold with adverts for modern Bonds [Guardian]

In a carefully worded passage the site explains that "James Bond, as Ian Fleming originally conceived him, was based on reality". It adds: "Staff who join SIS can look forward to a career that will have moments when the gap narrows just a little and the certainty of a stimulating and rewarding career which, like Bond's, will be in the service of their country."

Today's job descriptions were more mundane. Advertising for administrators, it says: "We rely on each one to be accurate and efficient, whether they're maintaining databases or handling filing ... You'll understand that there's little more we can tell you at this stage."  



Mi6 and the Machinery of Spying: Structure and Process in Britain's Secret Intelligence (Studies in Intelligence)

Mi6 and the Machinery of Spying: Structure and Process in Britain's Secret Intelligence (Studies in Intelligence)

[MI6 Homepage]