








china’s media spotlight glows pink [Fridae Asia]


For years, observers say, China’s media has been bound by the three no’s – no approval, no disapproval and no promotion of homosexuality.

Lesbian activist and social worker, Xian, says she was privy to a confidential government memorandum to the media a few months ago listing taboo topics. “Homosexuality was still on the list of subjects not to be promoted,” she says.

But the state-controlled Beijing Today feature, headlined, “We are just the same” carried a subtle call for the public to accept and respect lalas, a commonly used euphemism to refer to lesbians.

『China Daily』紙はセクシュアルマイノリティへの理解を示す論説を掲載し、なかでもゲイ男性とHIVを結びつけるスティグマを取り除くべきだと主張した。

“30 million – the troubles of China’s homosexuals” was the front-page splash in an August edition of the Chinese-language current affairs magazine, Globe, run by the official Xinhua news agency. It examined the problems of discrimination against gays and clearly called for the public to become more tolerant and accept gays as “normal and equal.”

また、『Time Out』誌(英文)は、ゲイ&レズビアンのためのページを掲載する権利を勝ち取った。

HIV/AIDS 問題をはじめ、政府がゲイに対する従来の態度を改めつつあることついて、北京を本拠におくNGO「Aizhi Action Project」の創設者 Wan Yanhai 氏は言う。ゲイ&レズビアンコミュニティの拡大と、ゲイコミュニティにおける健康に対する危機意識が高まってきていること。中国のゲイ・グループと国際的なグループ──NGOや国連機関、国際的なメディア──との連帯が功を奏しているのではないか、と。もはやゲイ集団は「アンダーグランド」(秘密)ではない、公然たる自由(open talks)を認められている存在である──「承認」されている。


There are dozens of Chinese-hosted gay and lesbian websites, although the government periodically bans some during crackdowns on pornography. There is also a range of local men’s magazines, such as Menbox and Men's Style, targeted at gay men although not specifically marketed as gay, published in the country. Even state-owned Xinhua branched out into homoerotica on its website last month with naked pictures of model Hu Bin.

The icing on the cake for the gay community, however, came in September, when Shanghai’s prestigious Fudan University began offering an undergraduate course in gay studies, which was widely reported by the domestic press.

According to Chinese media reports, it is the first time a Chinese university has offered such a course to non-medical graduates.

Wan says, “The course marks a big progress towards gay issues. It’s important to have intellectuals and scholars to publicly talk about homosexuality.”

僕は『Men's Style』より『Menbox』のほうが好みだな。『Menbox』の「9大城市男人魅力指数」という記事が面白そうだ。