

カロル・シマノフスキのピアノ独奏曲集&ヴァイオリンとピアノのための作品集が EMI から再発売された。二枚組みのバジェットプライスでだ。螺旋階段のジャケットカヴァーも印象的で、シマノフスキの官能的で眩暈を誘うような作風にとても合っている。

Piano Works / Works for Violin & Piano

Piano Works / Works for Violin & Piano


  • 12の練習曲 作品33
  • メトープ 作品29
  • 仮面劇 作品34
  • 3つのマズルカ 作品50
  • 2つのマズルカ 作品62

演奏者はミハイル・ルディ(Mikhail Rudy)。ルディは、繊細にして優美、耽美でエロティック、しかし超絶技巧なシマノフスキの作品群を、まったく理想的に再現してくれる。


演奏はミシェル・ベロフとウルフ・ヘルシャー(Ulf Hoelscher)。ベロフがシマノフスキーを録音していたことは知らなかった。 Ulf Hoelscher も初めて聞いたヴァイオリニストだが、演奏は素晴らしい──多少ベロフのピアノが生々しいきらいがあるけど。





Further south in the southern Tatra mountains is the resort town of Zapokane where one of Poland’s most illustrious gay classical music composers Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937) lived. His beautiful wooden house (left) stands now as a museum in his honor. He is revered as the father of contemporary Polish classical music. A rich, talented and handsome aristocrat he was a key figure in the social swirl of pre WW1 Berlin and Vienna.

Fruits of these trips included not only musical works, but his pederastic poetry and his novel Efebos, parts of which were subsequently lost in a fire in 1939, though not the central chapter, which was translated by him into Russian and given as a gift in 1919 to Boris Kochno, his 15 year old beloved. Of it, Szymanowski said, "In it I expressed much, perhaps all that I have to say in this matter, which is for me very important and very beautiful." It remains available in a German translation as Das Gastmahl: Ein Kapitel aus dem Roman Ephebos, Berlin, 1993. He died in a sanatorium in Lausanne, Switzerland while suffering from tuberculosis.


King Roger / Symphony 4

King Roger / Symphony 4

  • アーティスト: Jadwiga Rappé,Thomas Hampson,Robert Gierlach,Karol Szymanowski,Simon Rattle,City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra,Leif Ove Andsnes,Elzbieta Szmytka,Ryszard Minkiewicz,Philip Langridge,City of Birmingham Symphony Youth Chorus,City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Chorus
  • 出版社/メーカー: Angel Records
  • 発売日: 1999/07/22
  • メディア: CD
  • クリック: 1回
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