

Helem という同性愛の権利擁護を訴えている団体が、中東・アラブ圏で初めてのゲイ・マガジン”Barra (Arabic for Out)”を出版した。レバノンベイルートにて。

Helem publishes region's first magazine for gay Arabs [The Daily Star Lebanon News]


"There are increasingly more gay-friendly bars, also, for instance the International Day Against Homophobia (last May) was observed for the first time in Lebanon," Azzi said, "with Helem marking the occasion with a gathering of about 200 people, straight and gay, at a seaside hotel in Beirut.

"It also organized a screening of 'I exist,' a documentary on homosexuals of Middle Eastern decent living in the United States, and distributed buttons and pamphlets with the slogan, 'You drink coffee, I prefer tea. Does that mean one of us is abnormal?'"

とくにレバノンベイルートには、ゲイ(フレンドリーな)バーが増えてきており、また、ゲイの権利を掲げる非政府組織 Helem が設立されている。
Helem のコーディネイター、Georges Azzi 氏によると、”International Day Against Homophobia”(ホモフォビアに抵抗する国際的な日)がレバノンで初めて記念日として認められた。「レバノンはアラブで唯一のゲイの避難所だ」とAzzi 氏は語る。

According to Azzi, Lebanon is the only Arab country where gays can find refuge and Helem is the "first Arab non-governmental organization openly fighting for their rights."

Helem was set up last year despite a vaguely worded law punishing "unnatural sexual intercourse" with up to one year in jail.

"Lebanon, with its mixed population of Muslims and Christians, has a history of religious pluralism and exposure to the West.

[Helem のウェブサイト]
